My friend hunts the Norton area and always does good on the pheasants but in the last couple years not so much on the quail. I have no first hand experience in that area but if you drop a little further south I think you may have better luck on quail. I have hunted southern Osborn county a lot and could tell you some spots were I have had good luck on quail. Around Webster lake east to Wilson lake is a where I normally hunt and see good population of quail. You are right about Missouri, when the MDC had its forum there was all kinds of guys that hunted birds. now its only us few lone die hards, thats why its great to keep the forum going. I did talk to the agent for Pony Express and he did say he was seeing birds and I have experience in that part of the state as my friend owns 500 acres 6 miles from there and he is seeing more birds. Will know next Sunday.
I have not NE KS in 5 years but when I did around Perry lake was always good. I also did good on WI land that was butted up to the Missouri River. I would walk the trees right on the river and always say lots of birds. There was WI below Athinson and above Doniphan that nI would hunt but do not know if they are still in or not.
I have not NE KS in 5 years but when I did around Perry lake was always good. I also did good on WI land that was butted up to the Missouri River. I would walk the trees right on the river and always say lots of birds. There was WI below Athinson and above Doniphan that nI would hunt but do not know if they are still in or not.