Minnesota Twins


Well-known member
Well, the Twins are off to roaring start of 0-4 having scored just 6 runs in 4 games. Mauer is 2 for 14 and the team as a whole is batting like a buck seventy. I know it's very early but I'm afraid this is only an indication of what we have to look forward to this season. Management sure didn't do anything to improve the team, especially the pitching staff. I think they are totally relying on the M & M boys to carry them through. No matter how great the M&M boys do 2 players to not make a team. Mauer can hit .400 and Morneau can hit 60 dingers but if no one is on base ahead of them it won't make much difference. This team has no fire and that comes down to coaching. So if the rest of the season goes like this is it Gardy's last year? We can only hope. :)
Time will tell but this year there will be one difference---I'm going to a home game with my son---really looking forward to it.:D
Get used to it Zeb. The Pohlads are similar to Griffiths before them. They would prefer to build the team through draft prospects and the minor leagues rather than play the free agency game if they can get away with it. Unfortunately there isn't much talent on their minor league teams right now that will be able to help in the short run. Other than picking up a mediocre player here and there, were stuck with what we got for now.
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