Minnesota, taking of unprotected birds and mammals


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"Subd. 52.Unprotected birds.

"Unprotected birds" means English sparrow, blackbird, starling, magpie, cormorant, common pigeon, chukar partridge, quail other than bobwhite quail, and mute swan.
Subd. 53.Unprotected wild animals.

"Unprotected wild animals" means wild animals that are not protected wild animals including weasel, coyote (brush wolf), gopher, porcupine, striped skunk, and unprotected birds.


Subdivision 1.Taking unprotected mammals and birds.

Mammals that are unprotected wild animals and unprotected birds may be taken at any time and in any manner, except with artificial lights, or by using a motor vehicle in violation of section 97B.091. Poison may not be used to take unprotected mammals or unprotected birds unless the safety of humans and domestic livestock is ensured. Unprotected mammals and unprotected birds may be possessed, bought, sold, or transported in any quantity, except importation or exportation is restricted as provided in subdivision 2.

Subd. 47.Taking.

"Taking" means pursuing, shooting, killing, capturing, trapping, snaring, angling, spearing, or netting wild animals, or placing, setting, drawing, or using a net, trap, or other device to take wild animals. Taking includes attempting to take wild animals, and assisting another person in taking wild animals.

NOTE: The cormorant is a federally protected bird and federal protection over rides state statute.

unprotected birds that we may hunt or train bird dogs with. There is no season on these birds and they can be taken at any time by these statutes

common pigeon, chukar partridge, quail other than bobwhite quail, and mute swan.
And all the European Collared doves you can find...... I've been looking for this new "plague" of invaders, but none down my way yet.
My point is, you can pen raise chukar and Quail other then Bobwhite, release/plant them and shoot them anytime of year on private lands. According to the statute.
But you also need to have a game farm permit if you keep birds more then 1 year from the time of buying them. And that they stick you a few $ for. I just keep my reciepts and use them up before the year.
$100.00 a year and you can't charge anybody. As I read it, only if you use protected birds and or mammals.


A shooting preserve is a privately operated facility where protected wild animals are released for shooting outside regularly established seasons and regulations. Only species authorized on the shooting preserve license may be released and taken. A person, corporation, or partnership may not operate a shooting preserve without a valid license. There are two classes of shooting preserve, private and commercial, as provided by Minnesota Statutes, sections 97A.115 and 97A.121.


Subdivision 1.Taking unprotected mammals and birds.

Mammals that are unprotected wild animals and unprotected birds may be taken at any time and in any manner, except with artificial lights, or by using a motor vehicle in violation of section 97B.091. Poison may not be used to take unprotected mammals or unprotected birds unless the safety of humans and domestic livestock is ensured. Unprotected mammals and unprotected birds may be possessed, bought, sold, or transported in any quantity, except importation or exportation is restricted as provided in subdivision 2.
Subd. 2.Importing and exporting live coyotes.

A person may not export a live coyote out of the state or import a live coyote into the state unless authorized under a permit from the commissioner.

So, the way I read it. Unprotected birds may be bought or sold in any quantity. They also may be taken in any manner, anytime of year according to the statute.
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Yes but we have gone over this before. You pay nothing!!! for a training permit to use live birds and ammo if you send it in. Look under training dogs afield. It is easy and free... you have it back in days once you send it in. It is good for any private land you wish to put down. And can be had on MN public, but not with pheasants. F,WPA's you can not obtain a permit for.... We have been doing this for eons. You would most likely apply at Bemidji, as do I. You can charge what ever you wish for birds you buy. Now if you are wanting to do this to your land, so to charge people to come and go as they please, then you will need a shooting P lic. If you only have a few come out have them just send in a permit and charge so much per bird. Every one that trains with us sends in there own each year. Some times there is 20 or more people. We have never been talked to by a warden, "Ever" :thumbsup:
We raise our own Chukars and Coturnix Quail from Egg's from our own birds. I see nothing that says I have to have a training permit on our own property.


Again, per 97B.651

unprotected birds may be taken at any time and in any manner, except with artificial lights, or by using a motor vehicle in violation of section 97B.091.

That would include with a dog and a shotgun. No permit needed on private land. Only on DNR and federal lands
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Some of those laws are grey in MN as we know. You don't need a pheasant lic to hunt pheasants on your own land either. But somewhere it talks about nesting season and out of season, or with out small game lic. Just call Bemidgi and they will spell it out, you do need it I believe any where. I put down several places in the state and go all over all year. It's great.:thumbsup: Maybe if you "Just" use those birds your fine, but we train on pheasants a bunch. That may be where the confusion comes in here. Since it's free and the warden knows what your doing, he does not come out. If he does not know, and gets a call, he sees no permit for the area, he will likely check you out. Which may be no big deal, but none of us really like to chat with them more then we need to. LOL
If you are using Pheasants. Then that's a whole new ball game. They are a protected game bird with a set season and limit. You can use them north of Hwy 210 it is I believe year around but they still must be marked and you must have a permit. Even your own pen raised Pheasants, you can only shoot them during season and only take your daily limit. If you have a commercial game farm Lic. You must agree to release something like 500 birds a year into the wild. That gets real expensive. We are staying away from any protected native game birds.