Might be a bismuth shortage.


Active member
I read on facebook yesterday that the owner of BOSS said they get 90 percent of their bismuth from China. On Monday, China banned all exportation of bismuth. 😬 You might want to stock up pretty soon.
My shells from Boss arrived today. I should have enough to last me a while. If all the bismuth in the USA dries up, I'm willing to share pellets with fellow UPH users. For the riff-raff on the street, I'll charge 10 cents per pellet. But for all of you, I can let them go for the bargain price of 5 cents for each coppery coated gem. Of course, @2point, you deserve a deal -- only 4 cents each. Thanks again for the heads up!
My shells from Boss arrived today. I should have enough to last me a while. If all the bismuth in the USA dries up, I'm willing to share pellets with fellow UPH users. For the riff-raff on the street, I'll charge 10 cents per pellet. But for all of you, I can let them go for the bargain price of 5 cents for each coppery coated gem. Of course, @2point, you deserve a deal -- only 4 cents each. Thanks again for the heads up!

Planning ahead here, just in case. What size pellets?
I read on facebook yesterday that the owner of BOSS said they get 90 percent of their bismuth from China. On Monday, China banned all exportation of bismuth. 😬 You might want to stock up pretty soon.

Google Antimony -- what it's used for - where most of it is produced and now who can't buy it.

There's a few clips from "The Shawn Ryan Show" - where he interviewed a former higher up at the World Bank -- I was an idiot and didnt buy stock right away when the podcast was released -- did it about 3 mos later - but it still went up --

Anyways China has something up their sleaves. We need to build our manufacturing base back here in the US, Canada/Mexico or we will all turn to 3rd world countries before long.
I've heard the 3/5 mix is very good.
I'd be willing to try a 2/4 mix, but they don't make shells with that mix. Not sure if it would do much for longer shots, but maybe would help on some mid-range, with the added pellet coverage.
I'd be willing to purchase a few pellets, but due to added freight is mine to meet for a pick-up. If you will drop me a pin location at your favorite hunting spot, I'll come get them. Let me know what works in your schedule! 🤣
Good idea. I anticipated this and left some in EC, NE, and NC South Dakota, to make it easier on consumers. For those further east, there is still plenty to be had in SC and SW Minnesota, and a limited quantity in NW Iowa.

The website doesn't allow enough characters in a post to include all the coordinates, but pretty much all the WPAs, GPAs/WMAs, and WIAs in those areas have some within 50 to 3200 yards from the parking areas.

This is an honor system. First come, first serve. Private message me with the number of pellets taken, and I'll draw up an invoice and payment arrangements.

Note: I left #2 bismuth, as I felt it would be a little easier to find than #3.

Note 2: I didn't leave much in the SD ditches. I didn't want people to have to sort through the unusually high quantities of #4 bismuth from, presumably, someone else's start-up.
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On a more serious note...

On the book of faces, the Boss owner has been floating ideas of using lower priced steel and some excess fast burning powder. Trying to read the tea leaves, unless something changes with the China situation, there will most likely be a major shortage in bismuth and tungsten soon, and it might even affect steel shells due to powder shortages (as @KsHusker pointed out). The big companies might have some stuff stockpiled, but I would expect prices to go up considerably -- supply and demand and trying to maintain profits. Boss and other small companies could really be hurting soon.
Has any body used Winchester bismuth? It is same price as BOSS legacy, it is buffered. It has 1 3/8 oz 1450 fps. Boss Legacy is 1 1/2 ounce at 1350 fps. I have some gift cards to scheels I could use on it. Reviews are good, but a couple say bad crimps and buffering leaks out. I like boss but do find more splintered shot than I think I should. Guys tell me I am over choked but run a mod or improved mod. Any experience with Winchester. Scheels also has priceyer heavy shot bismuth but I won't buy heavy shot.

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Has any body used Winchester bismuth? It is same price as BOSS legacy, it is buffered. It has 1 3/8 oz 1450 fps. Boss Legacy is 1 1/2 ounce at 1350 fps. I have some gift cards to scheels I could use on it. Reviews are good, but a couple say bad crimps and buffering leaks out.
Always good to have options.

I like boss but do find more splintered shot than I think I should. Guys tell me I am over choked but run a mod or improved mod.
I've seen this mentioned by others too. I wonder if it is lot dependent and also whether smaller pellets do this more. I have been using legacy, 3", #2, 1 1/2 oz, 1350 fps, 12 gauge shells with the full choke that came with my gun for almost 3 full seasons now. I found a few splintered pellets a couple years ago. I found exactly 1 splintered pellet, right at the end of January this season, out of many birds taken. Not scientifically rigorous examinations at all, but off the cuff, most pellets pass through. Some end up under the skin on the opposite side, or barely under the surface of the breast on the opposite side. Also find some in the body cavity, loose (could be from going away shots). Relatively small percentage of pellets pulling in feathers. Having said all that, the splintered ones don't bother me. I'm fine if I end up consuming some of that, versus lead, for example. I haven't tried biting one yet. Whether warranted or not, I worry less about my teeth than when I used #2 steel.

What size shot are you using?
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Randy Wakeman says Winchester is the only bismuth worth using. His pattern results were very impressive. I haven't been able to find any in stock anywhere to try it.
As for Boss, I've got about 300 rounds of 12ga 4's. Wonder if I should order a case of 20ga as well or not... I only have 2 boxes. I suppose since I like shooting multiple guns per day anyways the 20's can be the lead guns and the 12 can be the bismuth gun. I'm not sure what my wife would say about another $350 in shells since my closet has well over a thousand rounds in it already.
Always good to have options.

I've seen this mentioned by others too. I wonder if it is lot dependent and also whether smaller pellets do this more. I have been using legacy, 3", #2, 1 1/2 oz, 1350 fps, 12 gauge shells with the full choke that came with my gun for almost 3 full seasons now. I found a few splintered pellets a couple years ago. I found exactly 1 splintered pellet, right at the end of January this season, out of many birds taken. Not scientifically rigorous examinations at all, but off the cuff, most pellets pass through. Some end up under the skin on the opposite side, or barely under the surface of the breast on the opposite side. Also find some in the body cavity, loose (could be from going away shots). Relatively small percentage of pellets pulling in feathers. Having said all that, the splintered ones don't bother me. I'm fine if I end up consuming some of that, versus lead, for example. I haven't tried biting one yet. Whether warranted or not, I worry less than when I used #2 steel.

What size shot are you using?
12 gauge BOSS 3 inch legacy #4s on ducks and pheasants. #2s on honkers. That said I have killed a lot of geese with 4s while duck hunting. Lot of guys who shoot boss think 2s are too big on honkers, I love the results. Most of my pheasant hunting is on private land and I can use lead. If I hunt the reservation I need to use bismuth. I havent shot steel in a while. My buddy had some 3.5 migras or maybe apex shells that were steel BBs on our last goose hunt and they worked fine. They arent cheap either, I think he said around 30 a box. We keep shots fairly close.
12 gauge BOSS 3 inch legacy #4s on ducks and pheasants. #2s on honkers. That said I have killed a lot of geese with 4s while duck hunting. Lot of guys who shoot boss think 2s are too big on honkers, I love the results. Most of my pheasant hunting is on private land and I can use lead. If I hunt the reservation I need to use bismuth. I havent shot steel in a while. My buddy had some 3.5 migras or maybe apex shells that were steel BBs on our last goose hunt and they worked fine. They arent cheap either, I think he said around 30 a box. We keep shots fairly close.
Maybe the #4s break open more than the #2s I am using (unless you are seeing splintered #2s too). Although, I think @A5 Sweet 16 uses #4s in full choke and doesn't see a lot of splintering either. I believe that is 1 oz in his 16 gauge. Maybe ducks just have thicker bones that cause more splintering. I don't know.
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I'm not sure what my wife would say about another $350 in shells since my closet has well over a thousand rounds in it already.
You could make a case that you are "investing" in it. Might be able to sell them for big bucks next year. :) That's a dangerous tactic though if she follows up later and finds out you are shooting them.