Denver Pheasants Forever
New member
My name is Rick and I just arrived at the forum and see a lot of great discussions. I wanted to introduce myself and invite you all to join the Metro Denver PF Chapter if you are not already active in PF. Our focus is on youth and on improving habitat. We have several initiatives going on including a habitat project that just happened today. Our recent youth hunt out at The Bluff near Byers was a huge success for the kids and we will be having another one in the Fall. We are a great bunch of guys and gals who are looking to help the state of CO become one of mecas of Pheasant hunting just like my home state of SD. You can see us on Facebook. The group is called Denver Metro Pheasants Forever and our website is In order to make the kinds of changes we need in this state we need your help. If you are interested in getting kids involved in our sport and working on habitat improvement in Colorado, we are the perfect organization for you.