I had an occasion to join a duck club locally. I new about it forever, close and has been good performer. 80 acres, mostly floodable, and diked. What I saw was kind of a mess. The new guys there have started the reclamation. Mowing, even burning, hot enough to cost us some blinds! The cord grass and catails are 4-5 foot tall, no open water around several blinds, which have not been used for a few years. The blessing is that it is so dry now, we can get in there, and get it out. I hope! The problem is, it stays wet, most years, and you can't get the water out. It is drained to an irrigation ditch but is graded shallow, and the water doesn't flow out. Secondly, we have really fine moist soil plants we don't want destroy with chemicals. ( Conservation Commision wishes they had them). Some have said lets put water on it longer, but we tried that, made the cattails, cord grass stronger. depth with water around 15"- 30". We have dry soil, time is now, what do we do? I hope some somebody somewhere has seen this, it's like a jungle, almost to thick to cut, roots come back crowding out ducks, beneficial plants, and US! The property is flooded by our own well and pump easily, so when it dosen't rain, we will have one of the few places with water. A winning suggestion can come and ducks as my guest this season! I think that you pheasant/waterfowlers can help us out.