March 1st


Just to let Ya'll know. :eek:

Today the high is -12 with -30-40 windchill.
Tonite forecasted to be in the -30:eek: again. That is real temp.
Are we having fun yet?
Just to let Ya'll know. :eek:

Today the high is -12 with -30-40 windchill.
Tonite forecasted to be in the -30:eek: again. That is real temp.
Are we having fun yet?

It doesn't really matter--once the temp goes below freezing wind or no wind for me it's time to turn on the fireplace and watch old movies and hunting videos---I'm retired and when the weather comes around to a bit more normal I'll venture out again--my time is mine

MY LIFE= 6 Saturdays and a Sunday AHHHH!!!!!!:D:D:D
went to the feed store yesterday. Man are people cranky:( Made me want to jump off a cliff:eek: Guys were bitching that their ice cream was cold:)
Sure doesn't take long to cool down a beer. :)
Beer slushy's though, not so good.

I'm retired to:confused: I want to be out and about.

My goal is to be out of the cattle business by Christmas 2014. :)

Spend Jan-Mar in jmacs lawnshed. :cheers:
we got another 4" again last night and below 0 tonight again. I used to say I didnt mind snow and winter. Like a lot of us - this has been a reaaaaaaaalllllly long winter
I'll just stay indoors, finish rigging my hybrid kayak, tie a few flies, and dream of warmer days . . . retirement is grand; plenty of time and lots of things to keep me busy.
I heard Coot paid $ 40 bucks to a good looking girl just to blow on his hands. It must really be Cold !!!!!:D
I'll just stay indoors, finish rigging my hybrid kayak, tie a few flies, and dream of warmer days . . . retirement is grand; plenty of time and lots of things to keep me busy.

I'm going to be looking for pointers, Ummmmm:confused: I mean tips on how to do retirement.
I have a Brit and Labs. Wife probably would pull rank on another pointer.:eek::eek:
I have a list/plan of things I want to do on every day; if weather intervenes, I substitute. I feel good, sleep well, & love being productive. My dog is in heaven . . . lots of attention & practice time, and very rare kennel time. Today, I'm trying something different: learning how to make furled leaders.
We have our share of snow and cold in NE MN also. We were at a sled dog race in Calumet Michigan yesterday and sign on a bank said 274" of snow so far this year. I am done bitching about shoveling.
68 days, I will never complain again. I could not deal with that
68 days, I will never complain again. I could not deal with that

Everyone is in great moods right now LOL. Most likely this is the coldest year in history here. Big news is it has been above 0 for 17 hrs, LOL. No forecast for getting rid of snow any time soon. We need some sun and 40's over night. Most certainly you can still be ice fishing in April.
Didn't get the fish house out this year. Early heavy snows and slush. Lakes never did freeze up safely. Then more heavy snow and wind, more slush.
Maybe now as the snow melts down on the ice We'll have some ice fishing.
What you don't like to calve in this weather?

You are picking a good year to liquidate cattle.

To sell the cow herd in one year would not be smart.
My herd liquidation has been going on for 6 years.
I have only 50 something remnants left. :)
The price now is unreal, so is cost of production.:cheers:

Oh yeah Moe, I've have for sure carried my last calf out of a snow bank.