Malware warning


Active member
When I clicked on the site this morning a Malware warning popped up. Is this a new one?
Not sure what that warning was about. I'm sure that if it were a problem with the site, Webguy would be all over it. Thanks for letting us know!
I am sure webguy is on the ball! I had a reply message off of a thread and clicked the link and the warning popped up. Can't remember what the thread was exactly, but it was one of three I got replies from on e-mail. Thanx for all the hard work guys.
We suggest that nobody click on any unauthorized links, especially ones that are obviously not UPH related. We can keep up on deleting them only so fast. Spamers are at it pretty much full time. So if something looks goofy just stay clear until one of the Mods has looked at it. If it stays up for a few days it is most likely OK.:thumbsup: If something looks out of place in any post just red flag it so it gets a look.
Those "Malware Warnings" usually come from your Virus Protection Program. So I don't go there, the warning is there for a reason I figure............Bob
Probably something specific to your computer, your browser or your virus program.