Mallards blue winged teal ect 05-12-10


Active member




As always :coolpics: Thanks for sharing. I love Teal (tasty little treats)
Wonderful pics. Could you share with us a little background as to how you got them? I'm assuming these are wild ducks? But they seem awfully close, or is that the proper lens and good photography?
Thanks , They are from home made sony digital trail cameras that are turned on by heat and motion and take a pic then shut off and wait for the next motion . One cam is mounted on a floating platform with the log on top and others are stapped to a rod shoved into the mud with a few hand fulls of corn sprinkled 2 feet in front of the camera. so most pics are two to three feet in front of the camera.I wade out and change memory cards and batteries each week.
Sensational again. The first woodduck and then the teal posed in same manner are my favorites. Fully in the frame and seemingly posed for the camera. I'll bet a lot of wildlfe artists are picking up on you for detail.
I'll bet a lot of wildlfe artists are picking up on you for detail.

Exactly!! Makes me want to pick up some clay and start sculpting. Would make a hell of a bronze!! Thanx again.:10sign:
Great pics, but now you have kicked in my itchy trigger finger and my hunger for roast duck. Really, I've had that hunger all week. First part of next week, I am going to roast up some ducks.