There is 16 inches of snow here in MN and my lab was diagnosed with Lyme's yesterday. One enzyme reached her liver but luckily none got to the kidney's. The vet said she likely contracted it last Fall and a recent stress activated it. Anyone ever heard of this?
Yep. My old dog Mac started to show symptoms in early March when he was 2 years old. I think he tested at around 600. My guess is he contracted it in October (up around Remeer he was covered in deer ticks) duck hunting. Treated him using the normal procedure. He is now 12 and still hunts and trains.
Yep. My old dog Mac started to show symptoms in early March when he was 2 years old. I think he tested at around 600. My guess is he contracted it in October (up around Remeer he was covered in deer ticks) duck hunting. Treated him using the normal procedure. He is now 12 and still hunts and trains.
Both of my Goldens have it. They have been on vaccinations since day one but still contracted it! Usually comes out when they are under stress. First one came out when she was whelping a litter. Second one came during stress of hunting/training. But both are fine now, one is 11 and the other is 3 1/2.