Lost a friend today


I lost a friend today one that I will never replace. She was what I called my flower child, she was a lover and for that I will always love her. Truely a one of a kind. She went way too young as so many do. She was one that taught me so much. She would do so much for so little at times. It often times seemed that she would do it just for the smile on my face.
She seen many a birds in her short three year life and I can honestly say she went out a true bird dog. At such a young age she showed so much character and heart and she carried that til the day she died. I will forever miss her and I will forever miss what could have been. Ms. Liberty you were a great bird dog.
It is with a sad heart that I say my good bye. I am half way across the world and it still does not make it any easier. I was optimistic that things would be good and that my little lady would be there when I returned home. Such is not the case. Enjoy your time because when it is theirs you will want more I guarantee.
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I read your post in the fungal infection thread.

It's a very hard pill to swallow and I wish you and your family the best during this very sad time. God speed and when the time is right maybe another youngster can warm your heart once again.

take care
Man that sucks--I feel so bad for ya.
When you get home and replace your dog---come to SD--I've got some great land you can hunt and I never charge to hunt.:)

Once again I'm sorry to hear of your loss:(

My condolences; never easy, never . . .