Loss of a voice for Quail everywhere


Active member
Sad news today, that Kim Price, publisher of Coveyrise Magazine, succumbed to a brief illness. He was 57. A leader in bringing focus on the plight and possible solutions to the decline of the bobwhite quail. The magazine will continue with the capable leadership of his brother. Coveyrise is a leader in bringing information from research across the country to a central source, along with hunting reports, stories, op-ed articles pertaining to quail and birddogs. He will be missed. We are diminished by the loss of one of our own, I look forward to the day, along time from now, having seen quail return to former abundance, I'll hoist a glass to Kim and the other pioneers who got us started, but unfortunately didn't last to see the reward of their vision.

This is very sad news. He will be missed throughout the uplander crowd. I would have to say look at all the positive things that he has accomplished in educating the public on our sport and conservation. I truely believe, his legacy will continue as he planted the seeds for success along the way.