Looking for my first flusher!!

Remi, not sure you will find info on the Boykin on here. I would suggest to contact a couple of the first or originators of the breed. And get some good info on them. Saw a few at hunt tests gunning but I have 0 knowledge of them. The lab thing I have had for years, and that has gotten to be all over the place so I will stir clear of any direction in that matter as well. You mention you have a golden? Is he not a flusher? Or you just never hunted the dog?
A cactus here and there is one thing but I'm talking about hunting gambles quail where there is NOTHING but cactus, the only cover is cactus and you can't walk in a straight line more than 5ft without running into one. I've hunted with springerchaser and he hunts wild quail and chukar with his field trial dogs and does well I'm sure. :cheers:
A cactus here and there is one thing but I'm talking about hunting gambles quail where there is NOTHING but cactus, the only cover is cactus and you can't walk in a straight line more than 5ft without running into one. I've hunted with springerchaser and he hunts wild quail and chukar with his field trial dogs and does well I'm sure. :cheers:

we had better hunting cover than that when I hunted around globe, ariz. castus we had but you could get through it, don't know how dogs would handle it though, think jmac says not well. my true feeling on your type of mutts is if you were hunting pheasants and had a fair amount of cover and you had to shoot birds, I think the tilt would go to a well trained springer over most all pointers and springers would, I believe easier to train to get that job done. that however is only one part of hunting and that is why we have guy's like setternut, just loves beating his head against the wall and love's his setters. kinda like what is should be all about


Yes he has, but I did not know that about him. I know Him but did not know he hunted out there. Other folks I know. PS don't sell yourself short QH, they may not be trial dogs, but great hunting dogs make the best trial dogs.:thumbsup: If you choose to do it that is. Which brings up a good point to make. Remi, if you do end up going with an ESS, do not buy that show bred dog. Look for one with field trial backgrounds and pedigree. Your odds will be increased by 10 fold for a good hunting dog. After all it is simulated hunting on live birds. Sure some areas of the country lack the cover to do what they would really like, but they get by. Around the mid west, NE,KS,MN,ND etc we don't have that issue. They are tested in some pretty tough cover. We also use many different locations here in our area to mix it up.:thumbsup: Most of those dogs are handlers house mouses as well.
That is the most important advice on springers for sure Ken and I neglected to mention it, make sure they are quality FIELD BRED dogs. With my next pup, whenever I decide to get another, I will definitely work on the more advanced training that my current dogs lack.:thumbsup:
Hey Ken, good to see you on here again:thumbsup:

To the OP, I lucked out and got a screamin deal on an ESS from FCspringer - and lets just say I couldn't find a better dog to fit your (and my) bill. I wanted a pup that already had it in him (since it was my first dog and I really was starting from square one on "training") and most importantly, a good house dog. After having him for 8-9 months he has spent plenty of time getting to play "the monster" with my kids and sometimes getting the raw end of the 3 yr old girl - NEVER HAS HE SHOWN ANY AGGRESSION. You will need to get the pup out and run the gas out of him otherwise he may drive you nuts inside, but that is the only "problem". (And it is fun to get out for a long walk anyways)

I will be taking him out this fall for the first real wild bird hunting and although I don't expect much, I know he will teach me how to hunt with him just as I will do to him. I have never been this anxious for a season before, Oct 17th seems like forever away.

Cliff notes: I am likely a springer owner for life. :cheers: