Looking for a single dog training collar...like the Tritronics G3


UPH Guru
Don't need much and don't use much, but I consider it insurance out in the field. My old collar worked fine--until it did't. It might have felt neglected.

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I'm not an expert but my experience is Garmin is the best but most expensive around 650-700. The only problem with them is they have a lot of stuff on them you don't need. If you can find a used one especially the old black astro they are very good. I've had Inotech, Tritronics, neither lasted me very long. My buddy has the Sportdog tech. 1.5. He's sent it back for repair twice that I know of. He also struggles finding his dogs when they point. He has to walk in one direction and look to see if he's getting closer or farther away. That may not be the collar as he's not much smarter than I am!! If you know any coon hunters, talk to them. They use them hard so they know which ones will hold up.
Kismet I’ve got an old pro 200 you can have if you’ve got an interstate battery center that can rebuild the packs and maybe cleanup the charging ports
Thanks BDC and birddude, My use of the collar is so rare, I'll just nurse the old Tritronics along, and maybe just get a cheapie from eBay. Of all my dogs, only Young Bert, the not-right dog, needed encouragement to return to me and my hunting priorities...and that was very seldom.

I'm grateful for your viewpoints.
Thanks BDC and birddude, My use of the collar is so rare, I'll just nurse the old Tritronics along, and maybe just get a cheapie from eBay. Of all my dogs, only Young Bert, the not-right dog, needed encouragement to return to me and my hunting priorities...and that was very seldom.

I'm grateful for your viewpoints.
Ther is a local coon dog/hunting clothes/dog box store near me. He always has several used ones. let me know if you want me to have a look.
Don't need much and don't use much, but I consider it insurance out in the field. My old collar worked fine--until it did't. It might have felt neglected.

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Collar clinic might be an option if you think it's batteries. They also have a repair service.
Collar clinic might be an option if you think it's batteries. They also have a repair service.
I don’t think collar clinic can get batteries for them any more. I’ve heard of people getting the battery packs rebuilt but I’m not sure what generation. I’ve also heard of a place called telemetry something or other that does it. I can look it up later but should be able to find it on one one of the gun dog forums by searching the Webb keywords tritronics battery replacement forum
I had heard you could squeze some life out of an old battery by putting it in the freezer. I've had a dead dewalt battery in there for who knows how long. The night before last I saw it in there and decided I was going to throw my old g1 tritronics reciever in and see what happens. Checked it first and couldn't even get rhe charging light to come on. This morning I plugged it in and checked it a little while ago and all be damned if it hadnt come back to life. Was 2009 last I used it. See if it holds a charge for a couple of days might have to see if I can find some batteries for it,
Don't need much and don't use much, but I consider it insurance out in the field. My old collar worked fine--until it did't. It might have felt neglected.

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Thanks. No hurry.
I have had most brands. I called Collar Clinic which used to sell all brands. I asked sales man which collar had the least problems. He said Dogtra. I bought one and have had for 4-5 years with zero problems. Just bought a 2 dog system from them, Dogtra. I really like the locate button, you can hit it and you can locate your dog very easily.
Kismet I went ahead and had my batteries rebuilt at an interstate center. It was 13 for the collar and 45 for the transmitter so about 70 out the door. I must of had a dead cell , I wasn’t getting very good juice on 5 and 6 but seam to be now. This was on a pro 100xl . If you still have your old collar and haven’t found anything I guess you could check and see
Kismet I went ahead and had my batteries rebuilt at an interstate center. It was 13 for the collar and 45 for the transmitter so about 70 out the door. I must of had a dead cell , I wasn’t getting very good juice on 5 and 6 but seam to be now. This was on a pro 100xl . If you still have your old collar and haven’t found anything I guess you could check and see
Not that I need 5 or 6 but you no what I mean
The Collar Mechanics in Walker, MO rebuild TriTronics G3 receiver batteries. They usually sell them on EBay, but if you can't find them their, PM me and I'll give you their contact information. Personally, I like the old TriTronics collars (G3 vintage). They have all you need to train and control your dog without a bunch of add-ons I don't need. Some of the in-the-field photographs I've seen lately show a bunch of hunters clustered around someone holding a smart phone or Garmin device to see where their dog(s) are. Maybe for the new generation, but to me, that is not hunting. Hang onto your G3.
I used Sportdog for years but it finally crapped out. I have two dogs now, so I went with a Dogtra 282c because Zeb told me to, and I always do what he says. They are really good collars and we run the dogs daily with them, so we use the crap out of them. It was a good switch.