Longmont Pheasants


New member
A while back I was blabbing about pheasants in Longmont - finally got off a couple of shots at them. ;) Saw 4 total. I have seen them in this area off and on over the past ~4-5 years.

Everything was great until I stopped the truck ... then they started running and flying.


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Great pics ! I used to have a delivery route between Firestone and Longmont, I have always seen birds around that area.
The St. Vrain is about 200 yards away, lots of cover. I have also seen wild turkeys in the same area. I am guessing that the chances of their being Walk In Access in Boulder County are slim to none. :laugh:
Yea, my father-in-law told me he used to hunt pheasants after school near Wheatridge, I think those days are long gone.
I drive that route from Erie to Berthoud and back every day...often see pheasants along the road in that same area. Nice to know there are a few around, even if we can't hunt them.
Great pics! I do enjoy seeing those birds in Longmont. Sometimes I forget that all they need is a little food and some cover. Urban development doesn't seem to get in the way!
there are lots of birds down in that area, they like the railroad track on first and martin right by the waste water treatment plant. lots of turkeys and white tail too
Yep, a little food a little cover ... and that is about all they need. ;-)
It is neat to see them where they aren't expected. Just need some WIA nearby. ;-)
I sometimes see pheasants in Cherry Creek State Park while riding my bike or when shooting trap at the Family Shooting Center. The other day I stopped in to try out a new reload batch and saw 10 roosters at the shooting center. They didn't seem too bothered by the shooting.