Limited hunting

I'd probably move to somewhere that did have birds, or at least closer to birds.
If, you lived in a place with no birds, or just a few would you take up duck hunting, or hunt ranches?

why do you post this kind of Question???????????????????? Upland4Ever Are you confuzed or what???? Hunt what you can. It's a simply answer, your posts from the start are, all about the fight between waterfowl and upland. Change gears.
Just showing this guy I know from Louisiana, that thers more to hunting than just ducks. thank you all for the input
There are few pheasants in this part of MN, same with sharptails and Huns.
My Rig is ready to go from early Sept until snowbound.:)
I watch the weather out West daily.

We have world class Honker, Turkey, and Deer Hunting, Decent Ruff and Ducks here.

I love the big open grasslands. I can take off at daylight and can be hunting by noon. Driving for me is no problem.:cheers:
some place has some

no birds here, go someplace else, i hunt mostly birds that i can get to and of course i prefer some of the more miserable one's like pheasants for example but if they can fly that is pretty ok. my dogs behave pretty well on all of them and without the dogs i would likely hang it up and die of boredom or old age. fishing is a possibility but not the greatest. heck if nothing else i would even go to calif. and gun those slow quail for entertainment.

Very few birds in my area.. wish there were more.. so I hunt at the put and take.. and do a lot of duck and goose hunting lol..
Grew up in Western MN hunting ducks and pheasants. Phez are my favorite, and also my dog's. But, between bird numbers and access where I live, I tend to do more duck hunting than roosters. I wish I could drive a few miles with only a vest, gun, and dog and shoot my three birds while getting exercise under a wide blue sky as in my youth. Instead, I get up at 0330, drive 50 miles, hit the river in the cold darkness with $12K worth of gear, and chase ducks.

3 roosters a day would be great...but 28 greenheads between 4 guys is right there with it!

Got lemons, make lemon aid. Got tea, make iced tea. Got both, make an Arnold Palmer! Any hunting makes my day better!