Lifes not fair

Why do dogs have it so easy? The UPS man shows up dog pees on all four tires and gets scooby snacks. I pee on all four tires I go to the big house (jail). I go through the drive through at Mcdonalds I have to pay for my heart attack in a sack. Jake gets a burger free it was dropped on the floor, but I would of ate it. Take jake to the beach he gets to run around sniffing everyone and they laugh. I think I would be of to the big house again. Not that I would want to go around sniffing poeple. Why do dogs get away with it?
Why do dogs have it so easy? The UPS man shows up dog pees on all four tires and gets scooby snacks. I pee on all four tires I go to the big house (jail). I go through the drive through at Mcdonalds I have to pay for my heart attack in a sack. Jake gets a burger free it was dropped on the floor, but I would of ate it. Take jake to the beach he gets to run around sniffing everyone and they laugh. I think I would be of to the big house again. Not that I would want to go around sniffing poeple. Why do dogs get away with it?

bc we all know better.. and you know somethung.. if you sniffed a dogs ass.. they wont care.. but if a strange dog sniffs another ass. they might get defensive...

they have their own common sense laws and we have our human laws...
Dogs get a free pass on lots of stuff because they deserve one. Did your female dog ever run off with another guy? Did your male dog ever wreck your car? Did a strange dog ever write you a hot check? Steal your TV? Shortchange you?

I know lots of people I don't like or trust. Some of them are even relatives.

I can bring home a puppy, treat him fairly - a warm bed, food and a bit of love, and he will be my friend for as long as we both live. He'll never lie, cheat or steal, and he'll never ask for more.

How many humans can you do that with?
Jere, that post is sure the truth, I agree 100%.............Bob
hey capt cootie jake is much more handsome than you and looks very intelligent. clyde gets away with murder also. he found a new hump mate sunday. good thing he is neutered. i hate to think how much puppy support we would have to pay:eek:
hey capt cootie jake is much more handsome than you and looks very intelligent. clyde gets away with murder also. he found a new hump mate sunday. good thing he is neutered. i hate to think how much puppy support we would have to pay:eek:

Clydes a prefect example. He's the eighth wonder of the world with his humping ablity:eek: He's worse than a bunch of C preist at an alter boy convention:eek: We teach the dogs how to sit stay all that good stuff. Shouldn't we be teaching them the basic manners:D they are mans best friend would you want a friend acting this way:confused:
Clydes a prefect example. He's worse than a bunch of C preist at an alter boy convention:eek: QUOTE]

Oooohh! Oh, no, he didn't just say what I think he did, did he? :D

Hate to high-jack the thread, but did you see what John Edwards had to say about making fun of religions in response to some Muslims that got their undershorts in a wad? It is on youtube and it sure is funny. I suppose you could sing his song to anyone that is offended by your comments. It goes something like go blank yourself, go blank yourself. Not a lot in the way of clever lyrics, but it can provide some comic relief.
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Clydes a prefect example. He's the eighth wonder of the world with his humping ablity:eek: He's worse than a bunch of C preist at an alter boy convention:eek: We teach the dogs how to sit stay all that good stuff. Shouldn't we be teaching them the basic manners:D they are mans best friend would you want a friend acting this way:confused:

clyde is in thearapy. shock collar so he stays home. several of our relatives are rolling in thier graves as we speak after reading your comments:eek: im still rolling . i LMAO if big red see's this she will beat you worse than our grade school nuns did.
Maybe most dogs don't steal but in the last 6months I have lost a loaf of bread, an uncooked hamburger and some phes breats to my crew of thiefs
Maybe most dogs don't steal but in the last 6months I have lost a loaf of bread, an uncooked hamburger and some phes breats to my crew of thiefs

I always thought my dog was a great dog and listens.

one night we had cooked a good meal... usually our dog will beg for a supper... he gets SOME but not enuf to satisfy his hunger.

so one time i got up to get more from the living room, i saw my dog up on the stove on his front two paws eating out of the pot....

damn dogs.