Less than 2 months until Sept 1.

Trying to figure out where to go for the opener of the dove season. I use to go to Rocky Ford wildlfe area but it has become to crowded , some unsafe actions going on, some close calls and a bad incident with a Denver agme warden whose job was a desk jockey until that weekend,which was a bad situation as we had a good friendship with a previos agent who had retired.
A friend has a place we goes to in the north east part of the state who does well but it is private land and they, the owners, only lets my friend and sons come up to hunt with them.
I am not asking fo rhelp just wondering if anyone else is having trouble finding a place to hunt.
Trying to figure out where to go for the opener of the dove season. I use to go to Rocky Ford wildlfe area but it has become to crowded , some unsafe actions going on, some close calls and a bad incident with a Denver agme warden whose job was a desk jockey until that weekend,which was a bad situation as we had a good friendship with a previos agent who had retired.
A friend has a place we goes to in the north east part of the state who does well but it is private land and they, the owners, only lets my friend and sons come up to hunt with them.
I am not asking fo rhelp just wondering if anyone else is having trouble finding a place to hunt.

I am with you my friend...I used to hunt Adobe SWA down by Ordway. However, the state change some of the landscape and it really screwed up the dove. Awesome place to hunt, deal with the skeeters, but was great. Tried another SWA two years ago and it was like WWIII....so I am with you...

I was born and raised in Texas, where dove are like flies everywhere. Heck used to hunt down by Hamilton, Texas which is the dove capital of Texas. They even have a dove festival opening day and a parade and all....good times...

I have hunted the Pueblo SWA but again, lots of folks...Colorado has that reputation you know. Lots of weekend warriors...might be best to do during the week. With 1 Sept being on a weekend it will be WWIII I am sure.

Good luck,

Bonney SWA is usually pretty good for dove hunting. Lots of open area and now that the reservoir is gone it might have even less people out there. The property stretches out to the KS border. There are also campsites but I don't know if you need reservations.
It is a bit of a drive but you can always slide across the border into KS if things get too exciting.

Main reason I stopped shooting dove was the fresh crop of sky blasters. Guys that shoot at everything and anything. Prefer my rain to be waterdrops and not lead. Plus started running into a few too many snakes along the Platte. Don't want either me or the dog to get popped. I'll stick to chasing grouse.
If they all drive East that means there will be more grouse for me.... Hell plus that place is so big they'll never stray far from the hardpack for fear they'll get lost... ;)

I hunted the same grounds for grouse when I was stationed at Elmendorf '94-'96. Even bagged a couple of ruffed grouse amongst the spruce grouse.

Here in New Mexico the closest we get is Blue Grouse which is better than Spruce any day as far as a challenge in the field and on the table.



I hunted the same grounds for grouse when I was stationed at Elmendorf '94-'96. Even bagged a couple of ruffed grouse amongst the spruce grouse.

Here in New Mexico the closest we get is Blue Grouse which is better than Spruce any day as far as a challenge in the field and on the table.



You were at Elmendorf then. I left in Nov 94 and got here for my first tour. Left Colorado in 98 and then came back in 02 and retired from AD in 2010.


Trying to figure out where to go for the opener of the dove season. I use to go to Rocky Ford wildlfe area but it has become to crowded , some unsafe actions going on, some close calls and a bad incident with a Denver agme warden whose job was a desk jockey until that weekend,which was a bad situation as we had a good friendship with a previos agent who had retired.
A friend has a place we goes to in the north east part of the state who does well but it is private land and they, the owners, only lets my friend and sons come up to hunt with them.
I am not asking fo rhelp just wondering if anyone else is having trouble finding a place to hunt.

if one would have the choice, stay home on opening week-ends except for something like blue grouse. on dove, i find that after the opening week-end, you then have the place to yourself, if colorado is true to form, by the 3rd week-end, many of the dove have already moved south, some of them start regardless of a cold snap, just something dove do. two years ago they did hang around till nearly the mid. oct. but that is pretty unusual, last year they didn't hang around only till the mid. of sept. and it was all over, i would think that in shear numbers, very few people hunt dove or at least more than once a season. just don't see the numbers
