leather recoil pad

If you mean a leather-covered recoil pad then several gunsmiths do that job....I would ask for references as to happy customers.
Briley Manuf. is one large outfit that would be likely to do a good job...other smaller regional gunsmiths with experience could also be found.

Slip-on leather recoil pads used to be available...may still be.
Those are not the best idea, ime.
I bought mine from Orvis, I believe.
It had a couple of gel inserts to affect the length.
I reckon it or others like it are out there....Brownell's has about everything...try there.
I'll tell you one thing, be sure you want to pay the price! To do one, get it fitted, it's about $200-$300. dollars. Simmons gun specialties, Connecticut Arms, Briley, Griffin-Howe are all first rate. slip ons are $30-70 bucks fitting at home. I have several, there perminent kind, they require maintenance, do not last for ever, I would gring at using mine in the rain. As a point, the limbsavers, or pachmyer are better a diffusing recoil, in my opinion.
Where can I get a leather recoil pad?

Can I ask why you want a leather slip-on recoil pad?? I really think there are a lot of better options out there but guess I need to know what you are thinking.
If your goal is to control recoil, you don't want leather. I recently had Kick Eez pads installed on my 12 ga Beretta Ultralight (~6.5 lbs) and on my 20 ga Beretta BL3 (~5-5.5 lbs). The pads made a world of difference on those two hard kicking guns. I paid $100 for each gun to a local gunsmith in the Denver area. This included the pads and cutting the stock of my 12 ga and adding spacers to my 20 ga so as not to change the LOP. They look great. Leather might look a bit more high end, but won't help with recoil nearly as much and will crack and wear out faster. If you're concerned about the pad catching on your clothing, the Kick Eez pads work as well as leather in that respect.
HI Daryl,

I did a little surfing today as i have a couple of guns that are too short LOP.
Looked at Orvis, Griffin and Howe, Fieldsport, and Connecticut Arms.

CA have several sizes and were almost half at 38.00 each vs Galco at G and H.