Leash Issues

I have a young(12 week old) Lab. I tried to use the leash to take him for a walk over the weekend and it did not go well. he hated the leash and would not move and even jumped and flipped out of hatred for it. Any suggestions on how to get him used to the leash so i can take him for walks? Is he too young?
I've had the same problem with young dogs in the past. They eventually get use to it. Guess I don't remember if I did anything special other than to keep trying. You might try putting the leash on him in the house and let him run around with it for a while. Then pick it up and try walking with him in the house. Maybe try to work it into some play time just to get him accustom to having it on. Someone else I'm sure will have some better ideas. Good luck.
Put the leash on him in the house and let him drag it around, like Dakota said. I also take my dogs for runs and keep the check cord on the pup while she is running around. Then when the run is over and we are walking back, she typically wont pull or try to do backflips to get it off.

Edit: try using a slip lead. Soon enough he will choke himself out, and soon enough they wont like that. Although, I had an English Pointer, and nothing worked on him.
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had the same problem with my newest gwp , when i would put the leash on her she would just lay down and not move at all, so i put the check cord on her anytime we took her out of the house or the pin and let her drag it around and even when we would go out for walks in the woods ,pretty soon she wouldn't pay much attention to it and would walk beside me but she still resists some times a little tug and she moves on now when we're in the house and i go get the leash she gets excited because she knows we're going outside to do something neat and fun!!:D
our pup wanted to chew on the clasp when we were getting her started, so I used the slip lead instead and it worked well for her. After a bit of that, she was fine with a regular leash. I've heard many folks recommend letting them drag a leash around the house. We've been doing that off and on again actually and it works great if she's getting into trouble or climbing up on something she's not supposed to. double duty right there. gets her used to dragging a lead around and a useful disciplinary tool ;) best of luck
Make yourself a tie out chain with 18 inch drops and tie him out for several hours at a time. Let him fight it out and not relate it to you or the leash. After he adapts to being alone on the tie out, put an older dog on it just out of his reach and go through the process again. Don't baby him, make him earn your time. He'll go through several different strategies fighting the chain before it becomes second hand. This will transfer over to the lead and make heel training go much easier.
Thanks for the suggestions. Yesterday went much better, I think each day will get better and before long, he will just be used to it. I just have to get him to quit chewing on it while he has it on, however!
Thanks for the suggestions. Yesterday went much better, I think each day will get better and before long, he will just be used to it. I just have to get him to quit chewing on it while he has it on, however!

That will go away with time. The best thing is to let him run around in an open parcel with the leash/check cord on. He wont even care about chewing it then.