jmac, I sure wish I could get out. unfortunately that storm that came through got me stuck in Albuquerque until Sat!!! and we have plans on Sunday already. . . UGH!
Our season ended last Sunday. I ended on a high note, 4 quail in 4 shots!:thumbsup: Good luck to anyone who can still get out after them.
@jmac: What are you hunting - Gambels, Blues/Scalies, or Harlequen (Clown)? Don't know about AZ, but I assume you have all 3 since yrs ago I used to hunt or bump into all of them not far across the border from you in NM. Good luck!!! :thumbsup:
I have a dream to bag every quail species in America over my quailhound JP. So far we have taken valleys, mountain, and gambels quail together. All we have left is bobs, blues, and mearns I believe. I hope to take care of at least one of those next year.:thumbsup:
QH, I can't help you with the Bob's, But next year, Maybe we can take care of the Mearns, and Blues, if you want to take a small trip to zonie land. :thumbsup: PM coming your way.
Yep, that's how it goes sometimes. Now we just hope for good weather and hatch so those quail can recoop from us chasing them so hard.