It's interesting. All any of us REALLY know is what our own experiences have been. And those don't translate to gospel truths. I've only owned springers. One thing I can say is that once they've got a couple seasons under their collars, & we start to understand each other, rarely am I very surprised by a flush. Obviously I don't have the kind of advance notice a solid point gives you, but there's usually SOME indication the dog is birdy. It may last minutes. It may only last a second. But if you're paying attention & know your dog, you see it. A person can prepare & make a good shot pretty quickly under most circumstances. When I can see my dog, it's easy. When I CAN'T see him, odds are it's for a reason, & I better pay 1000% attention to the rustling cover & be ready. I rarely think, "Huh. I didn't expect to see a bird there."