Kinda Weird...


New member
Went and called a couple of coyote stands this morning and on my way home I notice this little round bird sitting right at the edge of the gravel.
I thought..."Surely not", but as I rolled past it was in fact a quail.
Hmmmm, that's strange. So, I stopped, put the truck in reverse and slowly backed up to it. "IT" turned out to be "THEM".


I kept taking pictures as I was rolling back just knowing that they were going to flush any minute.

Until I was right next to them!

I sat there right next to them and they never flushed. So, I got out and walked toward them and they STILL didn't flush!
Once I was almost within arms reach (literally!), most of them scattered running and two finally flew to the other side of the road.
Even the ones that ran, only ran a short distance.

I have never seen wild bobwhites behave like this. I've only been around Courtnix Quail a couple of times, is that what these are?
There's always the possibility that they're escaped pen raised birds, but it doesn't seem real likely given the location.
Those are definately bobs. Kind of strange they didn't flush immediately or even run off at the sight of the truck coming back by slowly. Who knows what they were thinking. Could have been someones escaped birds from a pen.

Either way it sure is nice to see a quail!!
Those are Bobwhite Quail. More than likely pen raised if you got that close:eek:
I would agree on the pen raised. I have seen wild quail along the road many times, they don't stand there and let you get close.

But still some cool pics. :thumbsup: