Kennel Cover Question

HS Strut

Active member
I'm traveling from Indiana to Iowa next weekend with my 10 month old Lab pup. This is my first "Road Trip" with a dog, always hunted around here with my brothers dog.
My question:
My dog will be in a Plastic crate in the back of my open bed pick-up...No topper on it. Temps are supposed to be mid 50's to low 60's during the day when we will be traveling. Do I need to put a "Cover" over her crate? I've got a mud river insulated cover, just don't know if that is needed or even better to keep wind off of her running 70mph?
I'm a newbie to this kinda travel. Was thinking I'd put it on and leave windows open?
Thanks in advance for ANY advice...
If anyone wants to school me on other temps? What temps DO concern you etc...
Buy a wireless indoor - outdoor thermometer. The ones that are designed to put the sensor out in your yard and the receiver in your house so you can easily see the temp outside. They are quit cheap and you can get them at amazon or Walmart. Put the sensor in the dog box, and the receiver where you can see it in your pickup. Then you don't have to guess about the temps in the dog crate.
If you take a piece of plywood, cut two holes in it so you can run a ratchet strap through them. Set the ply on top of the crate and ratchet it down tight, right against the back of the cab. Now your kennel is more secure and the ply makes a windbreak for the pup without insulating the kennel and holding heat. Take the cover with you though, because you never know what the weather will do here this time of year. Remember pups have higher body temp than adult dogs and labs are almost impervious to cold.
Definitely take the cover, it won't cost you anything and it will provide wind break for a bit more comfort on the pup. You can always pull the side "windows" and roll up the door if it warms up and will have them to put on if it cools down. If it rains it's also cover from that. Agree on the strapping down as well...real cheap insurance.
Thanks guys... Just found out I can't go this weekend because of my mother being sick and my own health issues this week. Gonna have to get out there a little later.
I will Definitely Strap her down.
Rancho, do you men a piece of plywood "Across the top" of the kennel? Did it like overhang the sides? Just trying to get a better picture. I've been strapping her kennel on the 2 eyes near the front of the kennel (both sides) and taking the straps back to eyes in my truck bed against the cab. A strsp across the top would keep it from bouncing up in an accident though.

I just didn't want her to be too hot or too cool.
Always open to suggeestions
Ya, cut it slightly larger than the kennel, then screw a couple pieces of one by two to it on the bottom side to locate it over the kennel. It gives a bit of a sunshade and windbreak. Your dog is in deep in an accident, anyway, but gives a bit of extra protection. Then throw a strap over the top threaded through the slots you cut in the plywood and pull it down tight. Whenever I strap down anything, I always make my strapping redundant, so several things have to happen before it can come loose. The rule is always two, or more straps. I use ANCRA-brand motorcycle straps for anything precious. Much higher quality than the ones you buy at the big box store.

Best wishes to your Mother, hope it's nothing serious.