Kansas or Colorado?


New member
Well fellas, I'm left with a difficult decision. I was supposed to be making my first ever trip to Kansas this weekend, but as usual, a few of my buddies are flaking out on me. :mad: There are still three of us ready and willing, but now we are trying to decide if we should make the trip, or stay in Colorado. Since there are three of us we'd probably need two hotel rooms, plus there's the cost of licenses, gas, ect. Not to mention the fact that we're unfamilar with the area. If we go out to eastern Colorado, we already have licenses, are familar with the area, ect.

We just can't decide what to do. Reports from Kansas are so mixed, and I've had good luck this far year in Colorado. What does everyone think? Should we make the trip? Is it that much better than Colorado? Like I said, I've never been to Kansas, so I wouldn't know. Somebody, convince me one way or another.

Oh, we were going to start out around Colby, and work our way North and East from there.
I would suggest you wait a couple of weeks, then hunt Kansas. Usually around the middle of December the next year's license goes on sale. I don't know the date this year, but I can find out for you, or you can call KDWP-Dodge City 620-227-8609. To me it is a bargain, wait and buy a 2009 license and you can hunt the rest of 2008(pheasant and quail end January 31, 2009), then all of 2009. That works out to about 40-45 days available in 2008and about 75 days in 2009. Also, rifle deer ends on December 14th this year, so if you wait you won't be running into the deer hunters.
That is a great tip. Thanks for sharing. I think I may stay in Colorado. Turns out my buddy in Holyoke is putting a hunt together for Friday Morning. I may just have to "call in sick" and head out east.

Thanks again for the info.
I don't know how far you're heading North, but I hunted the Oberlin area the first part of this week. We found a lot more birds South of Hwy 36. The birds north of the highway were old birds as well. A local told me they had some bad hail last Spring that may have affected the hatch north of 36.

Either way, we found a lot more birds South of the highway, and they were dumber too.
Definately stay in CO for now. Too many crazys running around with high-power rifles shooting out the window. I refuse to take my dogs to the field this time of year! M.R. Byrd's advice is worth following if you live on a budget. There will be just as many roosters a couple weeks from now.
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