Kansas Governor's Pheasant Hunt

Another NR Who Likes Kansas Just the Way It Is

As someone that has watched the commercialization of pheasant hunting progress first hand in SD and the effects it has not only on the economic factors the hunters (res and non-res) face, but on the life long friendships that it has destoryed (ranchers that live next to one another). I can tell you without a doubt this is not something Kansas wants to let happen. I am moving my hunting to Kansas to get away from just these sort of issues. Don't get me wrong I am all for progress, however sometimes progess for the sake of progress is a step backwards. And government progress without citizen input is called taxation.

Thanks for speaking up for Kansas hunting as we know it and love it.
I completely agree. It is sad when normal working everyday residents of a county who have grown up with hunting being a part of their life and family heritage no more has the opprotunity to do so. This is what has happened in my neck of the woods. Have Bow Hunted Whitetails my entire life and have now lost my last area i have hunted for 8 years. I understand that funds are needed to keep up and improve hunting and keep kansas on the map as one of the big buck capitals in the nation. But at what point does this luxury become a curse? I look forward every year to making my annualy family trip to the western part of the state that we have pheasant hunted for 20 years. When this heritage is stripped away from me like my bow hunting for the almighty dollar, it will be a very sad day.

I agree completely. Now that KDWP has commercialized deer hunting here in Kansas, it has become very difficult for many residents to find a place to hunt. Here in southeast Kansas, I have lost access to places my father learned to hunt on. The land is still owned by the same family but now they lease it out. Not only have we lost are deer hunting, but because of the leasing we have lost our quail hunting also. Thank goodness for pheasants and walk-in hunting!!!! I believe if they want to turn Kansas into the next S. D. the average Kansas resident will have very limited hunting options.
I can tell you all from a guy who has lived in Texas for the last 20 years, it sucks for the average guy when things get comercialized. In Texas if you don't have a lease or know someone with land your screwed and even if you know somebody with land they probably have it leased out to somebody in the city. I have been to South Dakota once and it is the same way, you have to pay to play and I have noticed things are starting to move that way in Kansas. The thing that makes Kansas so great is the people and the land access and if things get commercialized I think you lose some of that because it becomes about money and the high bidder. Just an observation from somebody who has hunted Kansas for 35 years and seen a lot of change in the mindset of landowners toward hunters.
SEK, being from sek kansas all my life till 10 years ago and holding a lifetime hunting and fishing license in Kansas I know what you speak of. also where are these big deer that were there 5 years ago. Sorry for talking deer on this sight but have not seen a real good deer in last 5 seasons in SEK. Used to be when I lived around Iola I could put you on atleast 10 160-180 deer in a moments notice, now same ground one 150 deer all season would be something. Just my view lately. ( I blame over publicity by KWPD).?????????