Just some pics from the ranch


This is my shack.
Lots of clutter, you think?

The stuff in the foreground is what I added to the mess during 09 hunting.




you ever need help defending yourself against those monsters give me a call, holy crap those are some big o deer!!!!!:eek:
That house is as the kids once called, "The Shiznit"!! What an awesome place. If there is a pond out there somewhere and a place to shoot a rooster or 2, you've got it all.
I'd take a small spot in the corner!!!!! Nice shack, nice harvest! Thanks for sharing!:thumbsup::10sign::cheers:

Yup Uguide the shack was built from ice killed pines taken off the ranch. Sawed with my Woodmizer.
We are on the Northern end of the pheasant range. I have released lots over the years with some success. I don't hunt pheasants on the ranch. It's worth the work just hearing a rooster crow now and then.
Turkeys here are the big story. Oh yeah and deer.
I also have plenty of water on the ranch, lots of Canada's. Duck hunting is not what it was. Same as most of MN I guess.
This is a group of 14 mature Tom's. I see them often. This is as close as I can get to them. They roost in the tall Poplar trees about 150 yards from my deer stand. I watched them fly to roost before dark and leave early morning first light, every day during out 9 day gun season.


This is the view to the West where the tom turkeys roost.
There is a flock of around 60 hens and young, they roost in the Norways by the river.


Some of the water on the ranch. Crow Wing river is on the North boundary.

And some duck ponds. Fishing is good for panfish. Some Northerns and Large Mouth.

What a great place you have there mnmthunting. You are making us all envious. Where is your place located in Minnesota? I'm originally from Minnesota and still get back there quite a bit. Of course I'm only 100 miles away.
What a great place you have there mnmthunting. You are making us all envious. Where is your place located in Minnesota? I'm originally from Minnesota and still get back there quite a bit. Of course I'm only 100 miles away.

Park Rapids area.
Man Cave

I like your man cave and the euro style mounts. What a piece of paradise you have there. Don't tell me -- trout in the water too? I see wild turkey dinners in your future.