It's the big week....


New member
Heading to our new house in Livingston Parish Louisiana. I would say I will miss bird hubting, but I think Nebraska has wrote off bird hunting as part as its state. I will miss the good times in the field with my father and brother. But after the last five hunting seasons along with the high taxes it hasn't convinced me to stay.
Best of luck upland:)

Be sure to drop in and update us on your new life down there. Hopefully you'll find some way to hunt upland game in Louisiana!

Safe travels.

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I think you'll find lots of new and cool things in LA.
Honk as you go by:) We'll all be expecting sea food shipments on a regular basis!!! I hope it's a big adventure! Enjoy what Louisiana has to offer and let us know the hot spots!
Will do. Its just a heartache not that I'm leaving but that I leave with the fact the state is dang near not a pheasant state and that it doesn't bother them. Well all in on football Nebraska good luck. Thank god I have a trainible lab for ducks.
Nebraska is in such a tough position with the Ag policy driving the boat! With so much pressure to produce irrigated crops, Nebraska is much like Iowa in that there is little "waste" ground left unturned where a pheasant can make a living. It is impossible for bird interests to outweigh the ag interests. It is much like when oil prices were so high. Then, they made so many inroads into new areas and new production. Maybe the pendulum will swing back! Unfortunately, some dogs can't wait for that to happen, nor can some hunters! Grab a kid, grab the lab, and make some duck memories! The marsh is calling!
Thank you sir. I will keep you updated. But I will return to Nebraska at least once a year. But I'll be hunting at Cedar Creek hunt and Labs. Mark and Traci are great people and have a great place.
Once you adjust to the humidity you should be good to go. Just kidding my friend. I think its going to be a good move for you. Stop by on your way through sometime and we'll go chase some birds somewhere.
Have a safe trip.
Hey, Up4ever, have you landed in the bayou yet? I'm hoping things are going well! As a matter of science, can you keep me informed on just how long it takes for you to start talking La style?? God bless. Moving gives me the hives! I break out just seeing a Mayflower truck turning up the street!
I've hates every minute of it. Thank god our lease is only one year. Then I'll be working my way back to gods country.
Better days getting better. Had mallards and Canada's in our yard. Heard some quail in the pines. Lol no pheasant but Louisiana doesn't hold them. But my dad has been scouting and has seen very few in Nebraska. So maybe the move to a waterfowl state was worth it.
Glad to hear you're getting settled in.

I think you'll find some outdoor enjoyment down there too;)

Have you had a chance to look up public land down there? Do they have any?

PLEASE tell me you just walk around with sea food and Cajun fodder in one hand everywhere you go:) I'm guessing good waterfowl spots are there for the finding. Hopefully, the season is generous and doesn't totally conflict with your upland exploits out-of-state! Get us some pics of the habitat/country! Always curious what other places look like!
Yep my wife is Cajun and Blackfoot native American so I get that cooking anytime. Quail hunting look at Sandy Hollow WMA. Pines and grass very nice. Heard quail whistles the other day. And unlike north Louisiana down south here the waterfowl is better. Had some mallards land in the front yard. Along with flock of Canada's in our back lake with 3 nest.
Yep my wife is Cajun and Blackfoot native American so I get that cooking anytime. Quail hunting look at Sandy Hollow WMA. Pines and grass very nice. Heard quail whistles the other day. And unlike north Louisiana down south here the waterfowl is better. Had some mallards land in the front yard. Along with flock of Canada's in our back lake with 3 nest.