Its hot already


New member
Well spring is gone and summer is here, 97 for the high today. 100 degree temps are just around the corner. :( The good news is the quail are calling and love is in the air.:thumbsup:
It wasn't "hot" where I was fishing this morning. Stiff breeze, 40 degrees, eyes watering, fleece fingerless gloves at home. Made casting a 1wt fly rod challenging & made tying size 18 flies to gossamer leaders a real challenge for shaky 66-year-old hands & failing 66-year old eyes. To summarize: I had a ball anyway!
Never caught the golf disease. Guns, dogs, and fly rods have kept me sufficiently poor. I'm a happy man!
We aren't quit to 97 degrees around here yet. lol In the low to mid-60's all week though:)

Everyone's mood seems to be changing for the better too;). More people stopping by just to say "hi" with smiles on their faces. Nice change. Blue skies today too. Seems winters grip is just about done:thumbsup:
Never caught the golf disease. Guns, dogs, and fly rods have kept me sufficiently poor. I'm a happy man!

I'm with you. My wife won't tolerate another addiction:D. That Driggs married good. He seems to get to do it all:D
I felt like I was 25 years old :confused:

Yesterday at 71 degrees off came the packs and wool socks, put on a light boots and socks, off came the long johns, 2-3 sweatshirts, the hoody, ear flap cap, lined leather gloves.
Took a long walk to check out the wildlife situation. Pups had a great time, took a swim in every pond. :)
Spring is so nice up here.:cheers:
Yesterday was a great day until Coot's post. I can't unsee the image that precipitated . . .
It was 91 here yesterday and is going to be the same today.:eek: Summer is here to stay and that means long hours at work for me.:(
Must avoid UPH today if it's still hot where coot lives . . .