Is There Good Public Hunting Land?


New member
I just moved to CT and truly enjoy pheasant hunting. I live in New Haven County and am looking for some good public land pheasant hunt on. Any recommendations?
New guy here and new to hunting...I have no idea where to hunt.

Frankman87, did you ever get an answer?
I think the department of game provides stocking somewhere, go to the website to find out.

That is the department of energy and environment, (DEEP), it has a big bold website that has amazingly! WILDLIFE AREAS. On the left side, and down in the corner center , a right a site that says, PHEASANT HUNTING. I learned all you need to know, in less time than I have spent responding to you! So if hunting is your game, you need to know the rules, you need a pheasant stamp for sure. There are areas that you can hunt. There is somewhere around 15,000 birds bought and stocked across the state. I can't believe that if you will sign on here and pose the questions, you should have done this by now. If you want some Conn. Pheasant hunter to direct you to a free area where farmer Bob raises pheasants and would let you hunt..... I would direct you to the volumes of posts about internet scouting on this site. It's a great sport, it takes hard work, endurance, and soon enough a good dog, scouting is one of the rituals. When you have been there, come back and tell us about it, good or bad, we may have suggestions.