Is My Calendar Wrong?

Powderhorn Jim

Active member
Some time ago I looked at the introductory page to and blithely wrote the season dates given for the states I generally hunt in on my 2021 calendar. Today I had some time to double check those dates as it seemed funny that Kansas, South Dakota and Colorado were starting their seasons on a Sunday. I checked the Fish and Game websites for the 3 states and found that truly, the seasons were all opening on a Saturday, not a Sunday (South Dakota opens on October 16, 2021, Colorado and Kansas open on November 13, 2021). I am looking at a 2021 calendar, but still wonder, am I missing something or has UPH slipped a cog?
South Dakota Traditional Opener is October 16th, a Saturday. Always a Saturday.

Were the dates from 2020 that you saw?
Wrong year was my first thought, but the list of opening dates is from the front page of this website and each states "2021". I tend to check with the proper agencies when I see something strange like this, but for someone that doesn't and wants to hunt opening day in either SD or Kansas this year, if they go by the information here, they are going to be a day late.

Regarding Kansas, it is my understanding that the opening day of pheasant season is mandated in statue as the 2nd Saturday in November, so like South Dakota, it is a predictable date, cast in legal stone.
Today I found that the "season date" section of the website first page was gone. Hopefully the website owners/developers are updating it with the correct information as it is a great service and saves a lot of time sorting through individual state web pages to find season opening/closing dates.