Is it any wonder????

Just read this post on the local paper.
Is it any wonder why our bird numbers cease to improve? I cannot believe the idiots we have in decision-making capacities these days.

Radishes?? Come on!

No farmer will plant them, if they do, the deer will eat them, and they have no value besides soil quality, an advantage Iowa has long despised. I like the legislator who claims the pheasants will migrate to South Dakota. There's an inlightened point of view. I will tell you the British agricultural program in the 1970's had Khale, mangles, and turnips, which they used for livestock feeds. There were pheasants and gray partridge everywhere. Of course that is gone, they were enticed by the song of the chemical salesmen to raise commercial cash crops, with artificial fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, to make it work. They are now plowing hedgerows, to enlarge fields, so they can use massive equipment and try to recover profits to compensate for the outrageous cost of equipment and inputs, in the new era! Sounds like a plan!
So has anyone ever planted radishes to enhance pheasant populations? Maybe Prairie Drifter can answer this one. I just had to ask as I laugh at how rediculous this sounds. If this really does work, let the joke be on me, I'll call the seed dealer and place my order tomorrow to beat the rush!
Planted a 100 acres of them in a cover crop mix this last fall. They didn't grow due to rain. Will probably plant another 100 acres this fall.
I've seen radish fields 4 ft tall, thick steamed, leafy and packed with seed. These are seed fields in Eastern Montana. Before harvest it makes outstanding pheasant cover and feed. After harvest the course, woody stems are about 1 ft tall still decent pheasant cover. You can't walk the stems, to hard on You and dangerous for the dogs.
Seed is nutritious, stems would hold up well to snow. Difficult for predators, especially the avian type.

Left for the birds radishes should work well.
I don't see where harvested or grazed radishes are of much value to pheasants?
Planted a 100 acres of them in a cover crop mix this last fall. They didn't grow due to rain. Will probably plant another 100 acres this fall.

So you plant them in the fall, kinda like turnips the end of July? Must have a quick growth cycle, or they are dormant till spring. Be great if you could share your experience concerning radish planting, from soil prep, seed cost, us through the complete process. How long has this been going on, wonder why we are just now hearing of this?
Heard it mentioned that it adds nitrogen to the soil, so you have to plant them annually to achieve results? Sounds like they are more of a cover for pheasant, other criitters eat them. If the stalks are tough on the dogs, is it worth the trade-off? Apologize for all the questions... just want to know. Sure others will have more. Thanx
Only the cut stalks are tough on the dogs. If your going to plant for pheasants you will need to get the radishes planted early enough so the plants mature/go to seed. Probably a 75 day growing season. Radishes grow fast and for grazing or a cover crop you would want a shorter growing season. Hard frost will kill the plants so they won't over Winter.

Very easy to grow, just like the ones in the garden only developed for more above the ground growth. Seeds are the size of mustard seed and in pods that stay on the plant well.

The fields I saw early in the pheasant season before harvest made for excellent pheasant cover. Not exactly excellent for hunters, tough going. Later in the season after harvest You would not want to let your dog run in the sharp course stems.

It's not like I'm recommending radish for pheasants. I do think they would make good Winter cover, if You need good Winter Cover in Your area.
I think it would be worth a try, let us know.
So you plant them in the fall, kinda like turnips the end of July? Must have a quick growth cycle, or they are dormant till spring. Be great if you could share your experience concerning radish planting, from soil prep, seed cost, us through the complete process. How long has this been going on, wonder why we are just now hearing of this?
Heard it mentioned that it adds nitrogen to the soil, so you have to plant them annually to achieve results? Sounds like they are more of a cover for pheasant, other criitters eat them. If the stalks are tough on the dogs, is it worth the trade-off? Apologize for all the questions... just want to know. Sure others will have more. Thanx

We plant them in fields that we cut for silage at the end of Aug. hav don't had any success yet as it was to dry to get them to grow. Hope to have a better report this fall.