New member
Calling your attention to this post in the Main Forum.
I have someone very close to me on the floor in both the House and Senate. Best we can tell, the above names are NOT at all {hopefully 'yet'} involved.Nate, where is Todd Bogenschultz in this? Pheasants Forever? and the IDNR?
I am wondering if through this forum we can begin to unite as "hunters" and get our names, addresses, and phone numbers organized to begin the process of suggesting we be included in these decisions and the decision-making process.
I see in the Register today the legislature is going forward with a stocking plan of pheasants in southern Iowa, "to study if stocking is a feasible way to boost pheasant numbers".
Stocking, really? All they have to do is listen to the biologists, you know the people who use science to make decisions, or look to the experiences of basically every state east of us who has stocked pheasants. They would see that stocking is a put and take proposition, not a way to rebuild wild populations.
Pheasants were present here in great numbers but have disappeared under the twin attack of bad weather and loss of habitat. Putting stocked birds back into the same habitat won't fix the problem.
The truth is stocking is easier than facing the facts that habitat is shrinking everyday with CRP getting reduced and fence rows disappearing. Bottom line, without habitat pheasants can't make it.
Worst of all the legislative action draws attention away from habitat and makes it seem like the cause of the demise of pheasants in Iowa is outside our control. It's a bad move.
Well said Jack & Ken. I hunted in SD this fall with a couple of guys from Iowa and all they wanted to blame the pheasant dropoff was due to poor weather. Both guys were farmers and were also employed in the ag industry. Neither one was willing to admit the farming practices had anything to do with the drop although they both admitted there were changes happening.
We have legislators here in MN they propose all kinds of crazy changes in laws that have no scientific backing either. Hopefully PF, and your upland specialist put an end to this foolish legislation and stocking program.