

New member
Just came across this forum seems you guys are a wealth of info! I have a 9 month old clumber spaniel Bella I know she is a rare breed was wondering if anyone else had one on the forum?I have been pheasent hunting for 3 years and this is my first hunting pup Have bought the books and dvds and with this forum think I should do ok traing her!

here is a goofy pic from the christmass card pic!

yes she is! she is quite a rare pooch one of the first breeds registered in the akc she was the feild dog of the noblity of england there are less then 300 registerd every year her older brothers and sisters I saw were very good hunters! I had to drive over 500 miles to get her so unfortunitly she wont be hunting with her siblings.
I like the picture. Neat dog
I moved this Thread to the proper forum. Now; Welcome to UPH, happy to have you here. Come back often we would like to hear more about you and your dog..........Bob
Clumberguy, I wish to apologise to you. Some how I lost your heading when I moved the Thread to Introductions. I did something wrong, trouble is I tried and I can't fix it.......Bob
no worries! I realized after I posted there was a intro page and was aww *&%$ my first post and I am already screwing up thats gettin moved happy to be here
At times we all find things a bit "clumbersome"...:D. Welcome to the site. As you might can tell...I'm the general prankster of the bunch.