Indiana Pheasant draw

Are there areas in Indiana where you guys can hunt pheasants that are not subject to the draw? Waiting over 20 years and not getting picked,:( I have to give you boys credit for not giving up!
Are there areas in Indiana where you guys can hunt pheasants that are not subject to the draw? Waiting over 20 years and not getting picked,:( I have to give you boys credit for not giving up!

We do have our Wildlife areas...Willow Slough, LaSalle.....but to hunt the "Choice" areas that goes by a standing draw in the mornings.....but again...they call it a blind draw.....and I see the same guy's getting 1st, second, or third choice all the time......the fix is on and I don't want any part of it......Private property has dried up due to all the wind farms and their contracts as well as all the corporate idiots from Illinois dropping fat CASH on these little old ladies and getting exclusive rights to private properties....We used to be able to go knocking on doors with a dozen doughnuts and a case of beer and be able to if you go up to a door in camo or orange they wont even answer.....sad state of affairs in the Hoosier State these days fellas.........
Are there areas in Indiana where you guys can hunt pheasants that are not subject to the draw? Waiting over 20 years and not getting picked,:( I have to give you boys credit for not giving up!

Terry B is right, I will add the farmers also farm almost all the way up to the road, no fences, they are cleaned out and planted. The small strip of grass along dithes are mowed like golf courses.
All of these same issues drove me to start waterfowl hunting eleven years ago. I still make my journey to SD each year for a week of chasing an awesome bird. I can't bring myself to hunt the few pheasants around home here.....I enjoy seeing what we have here....the few times of year I do see them. My dogs love the fowl and I can darn near hunt from Sept though Feb bordering two states here.
No luck here either! Rather they sell them online 1st come 1st serve like they do the put/takes. then you at least have a chance if you want to man the computer when they are issued. Something has to be better than the current system.
Your right..........I just talked to a guy who lives in an area of the state that has some of the best bird numbers..........he's gotten a draw the past 7 years in a row....can't figure it out
I have now been shut out for the 23rd consecutive year (maybe 24).

And someone got picked 7 straight? WTF?

I have other places to hunt. Have worked hard since I moved to IN to find farmers who will let us hunt, have asked innumerable people for permission and go back and re-ask. If denied I am always cordial and thank them for their time.

But, damn, someone has gotten picked 7 straight times...... that pisses me off.
20 plus years in a row and still didnt get drawn. there has to be either so many people that put in that your chances are slim or its rigged.

im in the southern part of the state so maybe they dont want us up
I've been drawn twice in 30 years. It sucks. Awesome hunts. I would love to see us get some more ground in crp but the farmers up in NW part of the state are tilling all the way to the road.
I think this was year17 without getting drawn. I was hoping that I would since I haven’t been able to go out of state the last 2 years. I’m hoping for a good woodcock migration and the quail population is up.
Congrats! I've been twice and the number of birds I saw was comparable to anywhere I've ever been including SD
I put in once, I got drawn once, I got shot in the face once, and never put in for a draw ever again. Nothing serious, but a handfull of bird shot peppering you in the face will give you second thoughts on running around Atterbury with that many people shooting all over the place.
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