Impatiently waiting


New member
This year we moved our usual thanksgiving trip to between christmas/new years, to allow us to bow hunt Kansas over thanksgiving. Sitting around monitoring all of the 511 websites between Georgia and South Dakota is quite nerve wracking! IF we can make it out, can any late season regulars chip in on dirt road snow conditions I could expect in the southeast, next Tuesday or so?

We have been going over thanksgiving for a while, and ran into snow many times, but not a winter storm to this extent.
Could you move your trip to January instead? I know its a risk hunting then too, but I would wait. There is a thaw coming in about a week.
You will need to get some boots on the ground reports but I can only imagine that hunting conditions are terrible. Yes, the bitter cold temps will end by the end of next week but with the snow and wind that the area has had fields may not be accessible. Snow can be deep and very hard from the drifting. Impossible to walk through for both man and dog. While the temps will be warmer they are still not warm enough to do any melting. I'd definitely plan a hunt at another time. Maybe even next year!
If you are hunting with an outfitter they may have options. Public land will be impossible to reach if the access is via a minimum maintenance road.

One thing I have learned is that Minnesota rural county roads in pheasant country are very good, ND rural county roads are fine if not good, and that much of SD really does not invest in county roads ... not sure why / why not. SD must not have any gravel pits ??