I'm making a bold prediction for this summer


Active member
I'm predicting one of the worst summer's for severe storms in history.

Jan. 2012 has already shown what IMO is to come. The average Jan has 17 tornado's. This Jan had 51..a record. Also to top it off. Jan had quit strong tornado's F-3's. Very unusual.

Gear up, be ready with a plan for severe weather for your family. Not too many years ago. We had tornado's strike Mn in March. That's not far off.


The greatest March tornado outbreak in Minnesota history was March 29, 1998. Two people died in a family of 13 tornadoes that stuck St. Peter and Comfrey especially hard.



Is anybody else a weather nut like myself?

I make it a point to visit tornado struck towns. In the last year I was to Wadena Mn and witnessed the damage from the largest tornado outbreak in Mn history. Also to Manchester South Dakota. I have been to Comfrey Mn also.

I witnessed the damage from this Tornado(below) as a kid and stood at the remains of a home that a neighbor who was killed from this tornado. It passed just south of our place and was over a mile wide where it crossed the Hwy. I live next to the cemetery where he is buried and I visit his grave on occasion. A birch limb struck him under the chin and traveled all the way through his head and was sticking out. He was found out in the field where the tornado carried his collapsed home and him to.

The maxi-tornado which struck the Outing area on August 6, 1969, (4:02PM) left 12 dead and 70 injured.
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It consumes too much of my time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am on the computer with With the different chasers listening and watching the live feeds!! Radar sites are all pulled up and the next thing I know is it is 6 hours later!!!! Chased with the Wife when she was my girlfriend ( Her Car) and it turned out not so good with all the Hail damage!!!OPPS!!!!
I sure hope you are wrong on the severe weather--been kucky so far:eek: