If you build it they will come


New member
I've been trying to improve my wildlife habitat for 6 years now. Recently it's been along the lines of more grass and nesting cover--trees--shrubs with some food plots (cut back on these as there is lots of food on the section) and today I have proof positive that it's been all worth it.

While out on the ATV checking on conditions (see post in SD section for pictures) I flushed a small covey of Huns--the first sighting on the eastern place (have seen one other covey several years ago on our other place about 7 miles west of this sighting and much nearer to the Missouri River breaks).

Sure hope the weather is more normal for the rest of the year--I'd really love to see this small victory expand--man new game birds on my place--it just doesn't get any better than this. :thumbsup:
Yeah, always great to see some product for your efforts. Congrats! I was working fixing fence here yesterday and had 3 bobwhite flush in front of the truck. One more day and they only have to worry about natural threats! Hope yours and mine make it to breeding season!