quail hound my not many PHEASANTS out on the west/east coast comment was not directed towards you & no need to try & make me look dumb??? i guess i should not of said west coast??? when talking about the western or south western united states in overalls lack of WILD PHEASANTS...
i may be wrong? but i was not aware of ample PHEASANT hunting opportunity's in states like AZ,NM,UT,NV,TX they may & some of them states do have a few WILD pheasants but i doubt people from western states travel to those states mentioned above to hunt WILD pheasants??? they hit up SD,ND,KS,NE ETC...
i do understand oregon was the first state to have a successful release of ring neck pheasants & WA,OR,ID & CA do hold pheasants & people out west do enjoy hunting them but like you said the bird numbers are nothing like the old days & is there really enough WILD PHEASANTS out in those states for somebody to really want save up some $$$ & head there for a WILD PHEASANT HUNT??? thats why i feel bad for you guys out west... how many quail you need to make a pheasant dinner??? a pile i bet??? how many miles walked??? not everybodys up for a hardcore hunt every time they hit the fields... or has hunting machine dogs like some...
also quail hound if you take a look at the CA thread witch you pretty much own you will see the info about the RELEASED BIRDS i think it was on the opening day thread last yr & at least 1-2 more threads have or refer to guys hunting released birds in the state of CA... 1 thread said something about a certain city/town releasing pheasants the day B4 the opener so the visiting hunters would have some birds to shoot on opener how fun!!! thats wear i got my info & from many magazine/on-line articles & t.v. shows
i guess in me reading 2-3 different threads from CA wear they mention releasing PHEASANTS prior to a opening day gave me the impression that there is not many WILD PHEASANTS out west to be had for the average hunter...
i guess i compare hunting released PHEASANTS to GAME FARM hunting i just figure a released PHEASANT is a released pheasant no matter if a state wildlife agency releases the pheasant for guys to hunt for free the next day on opener on public land or if a guy pays a game farm owner to do the same thing on private land its just not a WILD PHEASANT...
game farms are great tune ups for the hunting dog & our shooting skills but thats about it... i have read many storys of guys from back east or out west that have saved $$$ & went on WILD PHEASANT hunts in states like SD,ND,MT,KS,IA & NE even guys from WI have to deal with the released pheasants on public lands & or only having game farms to hunt many want to hunt wild birds for a change & head west each yr...
as far as upland game bird combo hunt opportunity's & pure beauty while out hunting i am jealous of you boys out west able to hunt from mountains to crop fields & creek beds to oak woods & savannas very cool but i was talking about PHEASANT hunting not just quail species i understand quail rule the roost out west & are fun to hunt...