I want to improve my habitat

Prairiedrifter thats awesome info! When I was thinking "rows" I was thinking maybe 20ft wide or so each. But, I think your right in that I should contact a biologist to see what can be done.
Do you know if his territory reaches all the way to Manhattan? At the time I started my projects, PF was in the process of adding people, and I didn't get any help from them. But also, I was pretty content with the advice I got from the KSU forester as a place to start.

At some point though, I would love to have somebody from PF look around and give me some suggestions.


Sorry for the delay in replying. I am dealing wiht a sick Mom and a sick mother in law:mad::eek:

I emailed Mike Deghand with PF in Topeka to see if they also over the Manhatten area. I will let you know once he replys. He is out of town on business till the 19th.

You are also right on track with the hinge cut trees. We did a bunch on a friend farm along with planting about 1500 trees and shrubs over the last decade. We got them from KDWP. I think we planted about 120 this spring and about 60 percent made it thru summer. If you can when planting put a product called "Mushroom stuff" on them. It help them recover from transplant shock better.
