I think it's working

As you my know I put 20 acres in crp. The grass is really tall And I've tried my best to make a wildlife area that does animals some good. I left some corn and soybeans for the wildlife to eat. Well I"m being to think I'm getting there:thumbsup: I have no water because of the drought:mad: But tonite what a promising sign 40 plus pheasant flying in to it:10sign: And unlike South Dakota there was no DNR agent releasing them from a trailer:D All wild:eek: I have one probelm I've never hunted it and don't think I'm going to:(
I think I'm cheering for the underdog here guys Mr. pheasant. Not many take his side but I think I have. All these years tonight I figured out why I love pheasants so much. It's there ablilty to survive, the habitat they live around. 19 years of farming and I'd say my crp is my greats accomplishment.
As you my know I put 20 acres in crp. The grass is really tall And I've tried my best to make a wildlife area that does animals some good. I left some corn and soybeans for the wildlife to eat. Well I"m being to think I'm getting there:thumbsup: I have no water because of the drought:mad: But tonite what a promising sign 40 plus pheasant flying in to it:10sign: And unlike South Dakota there was no DNR agent releasing them from a trailer:D All wild:eek: I have one probelm I've never hunted it and don't think I'm going to:(
I think I'm cheering for the underdog here guys Mr. pheasant. Not many take his side but I think I have. All these years tonight I figured out why I love pheasants so much. It's there ablilty to survive, the habitat they live around. 19 years of farming and I'd say my crp is my greats accomplishment.

I notice the same thing! It starts as a hunter, after a while you becomes a conservationist. A short time later the sight of birds flying to your safe haven is reward enough. Congratulations!
Hats off to You Coot, You're my kind of people.:cheers:

No matter what the gov types tell You:confused: DON"T throw a match in it.:eek:
As you my know I put 20 acres in crp. The grass is really tall And I've tried my best to make a wildlife area that does animals some good. I left some corn and soybeans for the wildlife to eat. Well I"m being to think I'm getting there:thumbsup: I have no water because of the drought:mad: But tonite what a promising sign 40 plus pheasant flying in to it:10sign: And unlike South Dakota there was no DNR agent releasing them from a trailer:D All wild:eek: I have one probelm I've never hunted it and don't think I'm going to:(
I think I'm cheering for the underdog here guys Mr. pheasant. Not many take his side but I think I have. All these years tonight I figured out why I love pheasants so much. It's there ablilty to survive, the habitat they live around. 19 years of farming and I'd say my crp is my greats accomplishment.

good for you, you are now officially a caretaker!
I read something way back in Iowa days that said 20 acres of habitat could sustain a population f pheasants for a township. Nice job Coot!

CRP is way more fun that farming!!

I watched several hundred pheasants fly/run in to roost in a 20 ac CRP plot in Illinois. and that was only from 2 directions. I imagine the same thing was happening from the other two directions.

It was amazing to see birds just seem to appear from a plowed corn field on one side and scoot across the road. I can't imagine how many birds that field contained but if they travel as far as I think they do that's a heck of a lot of birds over several square miles.