I am ready

For your upland hunting maybe. LOL Heading out here shortly for some catfishing . Baited 2 spots yesterday . We shut everything down here when just the thought of snow may happen.
Ready for spring in Texas :confused:. I am afraid you will not be getting mush sympathy. It is all relative I guess.
I'm not 60 miles from the Coast in South Louisiana, and we've had snow/ice twice this winter. Al Gore can kiss my a$$. LOL

I understand Sue's desire for spring. When it is 37 degrees and 80% humidity, you will be chilled to the bone. Not saying that you northern boys don't have it rough at -30 degrees, but it feels a lot colder down here than you'd think.
wish it was 37 degrees. went yote hunting friday wearing snowshoes. broke thru snow went in up to my shoulders. 3 foot of snow settled on TOP of the snow shoes. spring cant get here soon enough. hopes it melts slow enough to avoid flooding.
wish it was 37 degrees. went yote hunting friday wearing snowshoes. broke thru snow went in up to my shoulders. 3 foot of snow settled on TOP of the snow shoes. spring cant get here soon enough. hopes it melts slow enough to avoid flooding.
I think I would have to become a lover instead of a hunter
We don't have nearly that much yet but I know I am getting sick of pushing it around and am starting to doubt that the grass is green as it's been so long since I've seen it!!

Matt D
It's so cold here, I seen two squirrels push starting a rabbit yesterday morning:eek:

(100 miles from the Canadian boarder)