I have hunted that general area once a year for a number of decades. There has been good numbers within 20 miles to the north of Huron, especially in dry years where you will still find water near James River and Lake Byron. However even better numbers of birds have been found 40 miles to the north and west that have had more favorable crop rotations and weather in the last 5 years. Those are also pockets of country with less concentration of paid hunting outfits. I do believe that many hunters sign up for a day or two of guaranteed paid land and fill out the rest of the 5 days with public land sections nearby so the pressure is higher right near to towns like Huron. Like sjohn, I also walk the "minimum maintenance" section line roads which are primarily for field access but still public roads as well as ditches by the gravel side roads in between. I hunt exclusively opening week and I get the advantage of the max number of birds and most of them dumb for the first couple days when they don't know to stay in the crops. I see and get birds regardless of the harvest progress during opening week. Since I am never at the few main walk-in areas, I never see another hunter and rarely another vehicle on the roads. I stay away from fields being actively harvested until the tractors are done so I don't get in their way and that is the only traffic I see normally. If it's too hot to run the dog all day long, I take shorter roads and cool the dog in air conditioning in between spots. Well defined ditches with another guy to be a blocker are nearly as effective as using a dog as long as you are willing to get into the thick stuff every once in a while. I hunt half the time without a dog and still get all our birds every day with the numbers in these areas above.