Hunting SW Nebraska- Imperial area?


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Hunting SW Nebraska

I have the opportunity to hunt SW Nebraska late season(Jan) this year. I have heard bird numbers are up in the SW part of the state, but I have also heard hail hurt some local populations.

Thanks for any general info.

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I was in southwest Nebraska just across the border from Colorado for a two-day hunt on Thurs & Fri of this week (froze our butts off, but had a blast)...Saw PLENTY of birds, but you better have access to some private land! Didn't see much where I was in the way of public walk-in access & what I did see wasn't all that impressive...
hhR, sounds like you had a good hunt. I do have a couple different private accesses in the area.
How much corn was left in the area you hunted?

We covered a lot of ground in the general area, most corn was already cut but there was still quite a bit standing in some places for this late in the year...the combines were running hard everywhere though & all the locals said the corn is about 80% harvested overall...The couple of farmers that I talked to about it said that what looked to me like a lot left to go was just a couple more good days work, barring any equipment failures.

The best of luck to ya - you should do just fine if you have access to cut corn with adequate cover in the corners or somewhere nearby! :)
McCook to Imperial

As I said in another thread, I've been hunting that area for the past 15 years, and kept it very quiet, because the hunting was so good. Not so anymore. Anyone who wants to take long walks with their dog should definitely go to that corner of the state. I have been so disappointed I went and bought a Kansas tag and started hunting around St Francis. It's not much better but a three hour drive instead of five! Saves me fifty bucks in gas, and the hunting is just as bad. I've been hearing all over that the hunting in Eastern Colorado is good. I quit hunting there 15 years ago, and may just give it a try.
I have hunted SW NE for 15 years also and have seen some declines definitely. 90% of area is private and most locals don't take too kindly to out of staters hunting as they already have friends and relatives hunting it. There are a rare few landowners that will let anyone hunt their land so that makes it overhunted usually and pretty worthless. The amount of trespassers I see when I am there is no wonder they don't care for hunters much at all.
The amount of trespassers I see when I am there is no wonder they don't care for hunters much at all.[/QUOTE]

Bird Buster, we used to have problems with trespassers, mostly Greenies, 25 years ago on a relatives place in Frontier County. I'm sure that has not gotten any better. A few idiots ruin things for those that follow the rules.