Hunting Rail Road tracks/property


Active member
Just a heads up. Many don't know it's against the law to hunt rail road tracks. The rail road company's have security people these days. They both ride trains and patrol with vehicles in some areas. A good friend of mine works for the rail road and he says they are to call security if they see anybody walking the tracks or on rail road land.

Here's a little reading
Thanks for posting OP.;) Some of my best areas used to be along rail road tracks. Pheasants and other wildlife love them no doubt.:)

Anyway, I got a kick out of the "you never know when a train will come along" portion of the article.:rolleyes:

Unless a hunter has cotton jammed packed in his ears, it's very obvious when a train is coming due to the noise. To top it off the ground shakes when trains are near by.

I'm curious how many of those deaths were hunters--if any:confused:
Thanks for posting OP.;) Some of my best areas used to be along rail road tracks. Pheasants and other wildlife love them no doubt.:)

Anyway, I got a kick out of the "you never know when a train will come along" portion of the article.:rolleyes:

Unless a hunter has cotton jammed packed in his ears, it's very obvious when a train is coming due to the noise. To top it off the ground shakes when trains are near by.

I'm curious how many of those deaths were hunters--if any:confused:

"This Happened Too Me!:" Used to be a title of a page in "OUTDOOR LIFE" magazine which I used to enjoy reading as a boy and still do.

On my first few hunts in Nebraska we would hunt the tracks. I did not know it was illegal at the time. It was rough walking with chuck and badger holes but good bird cover. The way I learned it was illegal was this: My buddy, who was walking the other side of the tracks to my right, and I were easing along in the dirt outside the gravel so as to be quiet. Suddenly there was a strange voice in my right ear asking who gave me permission to hunt the tracks? I had not heard a sound, and just about jumped out of my skin!!!!! He was driving a pickup truck with train wheels but was riding on rubber tires. It was like thinking you are alone in a room and someone touches you! I said the farmer told us we could and we didn't know any better. He told us that the RR rightof way was considered a wildlife sanchuary. I said we would stop and leave immediately...we did too! I assure you it was not funny at the time!
It used to be a big thing hunting RR right of ways. Nobody cared. The Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific main line out across ND and MT ran through prime pheasant country. And with branch lines going out into the countryside, best pheasant habitat around was along the RR right of ways. Tons of pheasants.

The C,M &StP. is long gone, all those tracks are gone. Most of it just went back to adjacent land owners. Like all the rest corn, crops and grazed.

As far as existing RR's. 911 changed a lot of things including hunting RR right of ways. RR's don't want anybody by their tracks.