Hunting R&R right-of-ways

wapiti chaser

New member
Just curious if anyone has hunted these in Eastern CO and what are the laws regarding trespass? Would CDOW ticket one if caught on the property?

I've heard you have to secure permission from the railroad company. Not sure how you go about doing that though.
I've also heard Level 3 Communications has leased rights due to their installed fiber optic network, but again wouldn't know who to contact. I've seen hunters pushing right of ways and the cover on many looks great. Just want to safe be vs. sorry!
I do not know either who you would contact... but I am pretty sure that IF they did ticket you for trespassing, you generally lose hunting privileges for at least a while... I just cannot imagine my life if I could not hunt for a couple years, so I never mess with it... no limit of roosters is worth that... Risk/Reward ratio is not right...

just my 2c.
Yes, they do ticket for tresspassing. Railroad easements included.

Used to do it when I was a kid and learned first hand!:rolleyes: