Hunting days


New member
Tell me what tips your dog /dogs off, that they are going hunting that day. With Tony all he has to see is me in my field pants and Orange top shirt. I wear those special brush pants so they are different. From then on he is he-- to live with until we go. I can't move and he is with me. That is it for Tony---Bob
Same here Bob. My dog scents my Filson's as I'm putting 'em on and she knows that rather than lying around day-dreaming about it, this day will be spent in golden fields chasing birds the color of autumn (I read that line somewhere).
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Sometimes its when they see my dad's pickup pull in. For sure when I put their orange hunting i.d. collars on or they see changing into my hunting attire.
First thing at 5:30 am is to let him out and make coffee and then grab the laptop and go straight to UPH. If I don't grab the laptop, he knows we are headed to the field and he talks the whole time till we get there!

This reminds me of a funny story that happen some years ago:

One day I got up early took our dogs out brought them back in after they did their business I started putting on my Cameos to go on a spring turkey hunt, our Female Chesapeake "Tug" at the time thought we were going duck hunting, well she waited at the door for me and I said "no you can't go", grab my gun and gun bag and I took off in the truck, I saw her look out the window as I was leaving, well that didn't sit well with the her.
My wife told me when she got up later that morning and came down to the kitchen walk over and saw Tug by the door she ask "whats wrong", Tug looked straight at my wife squatted and laid a tootsie right in front of the door :eek:, then walk away looking all pissed off, my wife stood there stunned and began to laugh took a picture of the pile of poop and waited until I got home, then she told me what happened and I said you got to be kidding me showed me the picture and till this day I still can't believe it.
The pups recognize somethings up when I go downstair and open the door to get my hunting gear. Here's the strange thing. Although Ruby loves to hunt, she does not like to ride in the vehicle. Rocky has no clue how to find a bird, but loves to be in the field and ride in vehicles. When my hunting partner shows up, we load up whichever vehicle with the hunting gear and the kennels. The final step is then taking Rocky out of the kennel, bringing him back into the house, going to the bedroom to find Ruby hiding behind the bed, and loading her up for the trip.

Once we've made the trip, Ruby is an all out hunter, but she does not like the ride. If only - "Beam me over, Scotty."

Here's a picture of Rocky desparately wanting to go along.

Any camo or blaze clothing (she goes NUT for crossing guards here when we're out for a walk because they wear blaze vests! lol!).

Any time I get out of bed before 0600.

Any time I open the door to the "man room" - where all our hunting stuff is kept...

Any time I put her crate in the car (she doesn't ride in teh crate otherwise).

Boy O'boy you guys have some good ones here. These are great keep them coming. Tony don't react to guns. He sees them a few times a week just about every week. When I go Trap shooting so that is why guns mean nothing to him.---Bob
Boy O'boy you guys have some good ones here. These are great keep them coming. Tony don't react to guns. He sees them a few times a week just about every week. When I go Trap shooting so that is why guns mean nothing to him.---Bob

Well that makes sence, If reppitition trains' thats what they got used to allright. Thats funny. But me It's either killen birds at training or hunting, either way If a gun is in your hand They Know. They don't know sometimes if your just shooting a rabbit or some pest, OK ferral cat, whatever, and you walk out, they are in the window and are not happy.To cat lovers I apoligise for the previous Pheasant loving comment. :thumbsup:
I think my dog just has a sense somehow. i have tried not setting out my gear until the day of, but as soon as I get up that morning, he is just bonkers. For sure, the second he sees me grab any clothing or gear semi related to hunting, he goes nuts.
I agree with step into the man/dog cave and hi ho hi ho it's off to shoot we go...:p
I try to be very stealthy when I am getting ready for hunting in the morning, but it is impossible with the dogs. Any article of hunting clothing, especially field pants and/or boots sets them into a frenzy. Now I just try to get dressed as quick as possible and load them into the truck first thing. The sound of their toenails on hardwood floor as they are jumping and spinning would wake the dead. Once they are out of the house, it is much easier to get ready to go.

Hunting season is over, but it hasn't curbed their enthusiasm at all. I still keep the same schedule, waking up at 5:00 AM on Saturdays. Except now I go get donuts instead of ducks... The dogs are anxious until I put on my jeans and sneakers, then they go back to sleep on the floor.

Thank goodness for an understanding wife!;)