How wet is North Eastern South Dakota


Hello all. Just wondering how wet it is around the Hecla, South Dakota area. I hunt there every year and last year was the worse by far. I have heard there is standing water all over. Just want to know if I need to pack my hip waders or not.
It's probably a little better than last year but still wet. Besides the wet fall in 2009 we had a lot of snow during the winter and a lot of spring rain. Many farmers didn't even get their crops planted this spring. Even if the field was dry enough to plant they couldn't get their equipment to the field because the roads were in such tough shape. July and August were quite dry so we did see some drying out but the past 2-3 weeks we've gotten another 2 inches of rain and the next couple of days we could receive another .75 - 1.00 inches. After tomorrow the forecast looks sunny and dry. We don't need anymore moisture this fall so keep your fingers crossed. And oh yeah, I'd pack some rubber boots. Good luck.
That is about what I expected. I seen alot of birds last year but most were in the middle of the sloughs where we could not push them out.
DZ does it get dryer NW and W of town like it was last year?

It is normally drier W, NW and SW of Aberdeen. I know last year that once you got about 40 miles SW it was substantially drier. While I haven't been out in those areas yet I would think there is not as much mositure. At least not at this time. I'm curious to see how much rain we get tonight and tomorrow with this front coming through.
DZ any word on how much corn is harvested in the area already? I have heard most of the beans are gone and they are starting on corn already
DZ any word on how much corn is harvested in the area already? I have heard most of the beans are gone and they are starting on corn already

I can't give you an accurate report but I would guess that some of the corn is starting to come out. They are still finishing up beans which should be done very soon. I think moisture content in the corn is still a little high in our area so that could delay some corn harvest. With the nice weather they may elect to let it dry down in the field rather than spending money on dryers. Too bad we haven't had a good killing frost as that would help the drying process. I think opening weekend you will still see a lot of standing corn. But if this fantastic weather continues a lot of corn will be out by the end of the month.

Suppose to be around 70 degrees today and tomorrow and then cool off with a high around 60 Saturday and the mid 50's for the following few days. Those temps will be easier on the dogs. This past weekend for the "Resident Only" season it was in the 70's with bright, hot sunshine and the dogs were suffering. Sunday I went through 2 liters of water in the first hour with just one dog.

Good luck everyone! Hunt safe and take care of your canine friends.