How Much Energy to Expect?


New member
I am looking to get a GSP. I am mainly a duck hunter but I like the look and the versatility of the GSP breed. I have never been a dog owner but have hunted with them for a while. I want to make sure that I can give a dog adequate amounts of time and exercise. I am away from my house for 9 ½ hours during the day working. I am young (24) and pretty active with hunting, running, hiking, ect.

So I guess my real question is, how much time a day should be spent exercising a GSP? Is leaving the dog alone in a 7â?? X 12â?? area (kennel) for 9 hours a day OK until I get home to play with it? How different are the time requirements for a puppy rather then an older dog? I donâ??t want to get a dog that will be unhappy. Thanks Zach Malhiot
We'll the time requirements for a puppy will be much more demanding initially then an adult dog, but that is true regardless of the breed. It's a commitment you need to think through before you jump in, otherwise you will be doing the dog and yourself a real disservice. The rescue shelters are full of dogs from people that WEREN'T ready for the commitment.

If you are ready, Shorthairs will do fine if kenneled. You MUST make sure that they have protection from the elements. This means a kennel protected from wind and a good insulated dog house. I keep my dogs indoors mostly and all the time in Winter. I think they, along with many breeds are happier if they can live and interact with the family, but if kenneling is the only option they will do fine as well.

While I have a special place in my heart for Shorthairs (I have two), they would not be my first choice if I were predominately a Waterfowl hunter. The reason I say this is because of the lack of coat for cold water. Early season duck hunting may not be much of an issue, but middle to late season they will not have the coat for cold water work. That said.. I'm sure you will hear from someone who uses their GSP all throughout the season on ducks.

If I was soley a waterfowl hunter it would be one of the retrievers. If I were mostly hunting waterfowl with a few outings for upland, then I would seriously have to take a look at the German Wirehair if I had to have one of the pointing breeds. Wirehair's are much better suited for cold water and still double as a very capable upland dog. They are a truly versatile breed.

I don't mean to try an talk you out of a GSP, They are a tremendous upland dog, but rather just inform you of some of the strengths along with some of the shortcommings. JMHO.
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