How long is your barrel

It really depends more on you.
Do you like swing? Longer barrel.
You need quick? Shorter barrel.
I like the short quick when training dogs. Simplicity and safety.

I have three humble shotguns.
30 inch O/U
28 inch SxS
30 inch pump
I love both my Browning A5 (newer version) and a Browning Gold that are both 26" barrels. I'm sure you've noticed, but pay attention to overall length not just the barrel. My A5 is about 1 1/2" longer than the Gold even though it's the same length barrel and maker. I actually wouldn't mind having my A5 in a 24" barrel (or possibly even a 22" to try for kicks). I've always like the shorter barrels which get me on the birds a little quicker... I'm 6'3".
Best wishes!
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What barrel length do you prefer or does it come down to over all length of gun and type of gun.

I started thinking about this because I ordered a new gun and wanted the 26" barrel vs and 28". I could have the 28" the next day but I'm still waiting on the 26". I'm average height 5'10" so I like the shorter barrel and I think as a whole upland hunters like a shorter barrel. My dad is 6'4 and loves his wing master that was made for a giant. He grew up hunting ducks and that may also play into it.

IMO you made the right choice with the 26 inch barrel.
28" on my Browning Citori 625 12 ga.
28" barrel on my Bennelli 20 ga Legacy

28" barrel on my Weatherby SA-08 20ga (I love this gun)

26" on everything else.

Anyone looking for a reasonably priced, very reliable semi auto, should take a look at the Weatherby. Not fancy but very effective.
Years ago I bought a 26" barrel for my A5 - thought it would be easier to swing in corn fields, cat-tails and heavy grouse cover.

Both guns are 26" although the overall length is probably 28...

With a disability in my right arm, the 26" mounts faster, although in a corn field, I'm limited in the swing, to get mounted.